Chapter Four

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I couldn't believe this. One or two weeks? What?!?! I honestly never wanted to get better. I wanted to die from suicide, don't ask me why, I just did.

I was a little pissed at Avery. But then again, I guess she cares about me. One of the nurses breaks me from my thoughts by saying, "Miss, would you like to put under while we pump your stomach?" "no thanks..." I say without thinking. I could be on tumblr right now. I could be somewhere worth being. But nope here I am going to get my stomach pumped

Afterwards they take me upstairs. I keep silent until people ask me to talk. I tell my story over, and over, and over. They give me scrubs and take me to the main room.

I half expected it to be full of hospital beds and people lying silently, but that's not what it was. There were around five teenagers gathered at a table ratting lunch. There were also two other small kids ratting lunch at a smaller table. There were a few couches, games and puzzles scattered everywhere. They were playing music in pandora, and it seemed homey.

I hid my wrists behind my back as everyone stops what their doing and stares at me. Utter silence. "Would you like to introduce yourself?" one of the doctors or nurses or whatever asks. "My names Tess." I say quietly. A few people say "Hi Tess." but most of them go back to eating. "Would you like something to eat?" An assistant says. That's what I will call them. Assistants. "Can I have a banana please." I ask very quietly. "Sure." she responds and walks away.

I look back at the table and see that one of them is still staring at me. I wonder what he wanted. I sit down on of the couches and bring my legs to my chest. The lady comes back with my banana and after she does the boy who was looking at me comes and sits next to me. "My names Luke." he says. I manage a smile, which made him smile. He was tall and ginger. He was adorable.

I look away and blush. "Are you sure that's all you want to eat?" he asks me. I nod and look at the floor. Even thou I did want more food, I still wanted to be skinny. He picked up his floppy pizza and offered some. I finally gave in and toke a bite. It was not as good as the pizza I ate at home, but it was still pizza. "Oh and heads up, don't get the chocolate pudding or mashed potatoes. They're fucking disgusting!" I giggle at his use of profanity. I can tell we had loads in common. No Tess! don't get ahead of yourself! he doesn't like you, and never will. I mentally slap myself. "Did you just slap yourself?" he laughs. "Yea maybe..." I admit when I realize I didn't do that mentally.

For a while Luke and I talk to each other about our interests. It turns out we really do have loads in common. We both like screamo music, we both are obsessed with tumblr and youtube. Turns out Luke actually was a YouTuber. "My fans are probably really worried about me. I usually post once a week, and I haven't been on twitter or tumblr for a week."

"God that sucks. They will understand when you tell them." I respond. "Honestly, they don't know. And I don't think I'm going to tell them." he says. "Luke! You need to tell them! They care about you and they definitely would be able to help you! They are practically your second family! You need to tell them." I say comforting him. "Here are my scars." I have no idea why he showed them to me. I looked at them. He had stitches to. His were deep, there were so many of them. I looked up at him, and felt my eyes get cloudy. He was so perfect thou!

"Luke, please never hurt yourself again."

"I don't know...."

"Please. For me?"


"Close enough, I guess. Loads of people care bout you. I care about you." After saying that I wish I didn't. I mean I really do care about him, but I've only known him for about two hours. He's going to think of me as a freak now.

"Show me yours."

"What?" I question him.

"Show me your scars." he says quietly, as if he didn't want anyone to hear. I lifted up my wrists. I think he may have been a little scared. Who would like a girl who cut? he was definitely going to stop talking to me.

But no. That's not what he did. He held my arms gently. He looked to make sure no one was looking, and kissed them. I blushed and felt tears coming on. He looked up at me and I watched a tear roll down his cute face. It was as if we knew each other for years. He looked into my eyes, I looked into his. The emotion spread on his face, just made my tears drop. He looked as if he was worried. No boy has ever looked this way at me. He wiped the tears off my face as I sniffled.

Suddenly our "cute moment" was broken by the screaming of the little kids. "What the hell are they doing up here?" I turn to Luke. "Anger management." He simply replies.

The rest of the day Luke and spend sitting there on the couch, mainly in silence. We watched some of the movies they played. But really we didn't pay attention to the world around us. Me and my thoughts. him and his thoughts.

Comment your thoughts!

1. Do you think Luke likes Tess?

2. What is going to happen between the two of them? Gf x bf or just friends?

Comment vote and stuff.

Stay strong Darling!

-xoxo Ellen

Bloody Bracelets // LukeisnotsexyWhere stories live. Discover now