Chapter Six

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That morning I woke up terrified. I scrambled around, wondering where I was. I looked around and then memories flooded back. The hospital. Cutting. Luke.  I couldn't believe I actually was going through this. Did Avery really put me here? Yea, she did. I know that she cares about me and all, but his week was going to be utter hell.

 I jumped out of the bed, throwing the thin sheets onto the floor. I hopped into the shower, turning on the water to find it was horrifically cold. Hey, it was better than being dirty, I guess. After the rapid shower, I dress myself with the crap clothes hey gave me yesterday. I walked into the hallway and found the other teens there too. Some in scrubs, some in clothes their parents probably brought over. I saw Luke on he other side, and smiled at him. He smile back, which of coarse made me blush and look away. I think I do that way to often.

After the rest of the patients were dressed, we walked together to the day room. Luke and I sat down next to each other at the table, and he looked over at me. "Did you sleep well darling?" he asks. "As well as you could sleep in a place like this." I smirk. He smiles and then we are served our food. The really shitty food that the had. Luke and I kept small conversations the whole of breakfast. Afterwards, we had to individually talk to social workers. The went in alphabetical order, so of coarse, I was going to be first. "Tess Abernathy?" she called out. "I guess that's me." I sigh to Luke. "Good luck." he simply replies before i  exit the room.

We sit own in a small office like room and she starts. "My name is Lea by the way, and I am here to help you in anyway that I can." She holds out he hand an I hesitate. But of coarse I have to shake it, I just have a hard time trusting people. "I'm Tess say quietly. "So. I heard you had a bit o a rough day yesterday. Can you tell me about what happened?" she questions. "Well, same as always. Someone was telling me to kill myself, and well, I listened. I tried, but obviously failed." I say as she starts ing . "What did you do?" she said, still writing notes. "Tried to  bleed to death." I was starting to feel my eyes get misty. I hated telling people about my problems."And what did you use?" "A blade." the emotions I was building up made me feel like I was going to explode. "An why  did you think it was necessary, to kill yourself?" his i what hit me. I wanted to scream that I am a worthless bitch, but the words just didn't come out. Instead, I dropped all the tears I had been holding in.

She let me go back to the day room, with my tear stained face, to be with the group. Luke saw my face, and instenly sood up. "Are you ok?" Luke sounded really truley worried. "NO. I hate telling my story o othes." Hehugged me and then we heard Lea say, "Luke Cutforth?" "I wish you luck." I  respond as I step away from hime and sit on the couch.

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