Chapter Thirteen

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I quickly jump out of bed and race to the shower. I don't know why, but I feel the need to impress Luke as much as I can. I just don't know, everything is going by go fast, in fact iv been in this hospital for about two weeks now. But Luke, hes been in here longer, he could leave at any moment.

I stop washing my hair, and I feel tears coming. What if he goes today? What if he leaves tomorrow? What if is already gone? I just cant take it anymore. I sit down and just cry.. I scream inside. Right now is one of those moments when I am so extremely sad but I just cant cut. Not because I have nothing to cut myself with, but the situation just makes me sad and if I cut it would break my heart. I'm guessing that's how Luke felt when he saw me here.

Suddenly a doctor knocks on my door and asks me if I'm okay. I respond with a clear voice to make it sound like I wasn't crying. I get out of the shower and throw on those ugly scrubs. I don't bother with my hair anymore. I just get out into the hallway and see Luke a few rooms down. I smile at him, again pretending I wasn't crying. The nurses walk all of the patients to the day room and we eat breakfast. Its exactly like yesterday morning, except for the fact that under the table, Luke's hand is intertwined with mine. "How did you sleep darling?" Luke asks quietly while everyone else is chatting away. "All I know is it would have been better if I slept in your arms!" I smile. "Well when we get out of here every night I can hold you tight at night." he responds with a bright smile. I blush an gey back to breakfast. I love Luke just so much, he is the sweetest boyfriend anyone could ever ask for.


I continue talking to her really sweetly, she must not know how much I cried. Either one of us could have to leave any day know. What am I going to do without her ? We have to find a way to exchange numbers without the doctors knowing, they specifically told us that exchanging information was jot aloud. I love her so much and if I lived in a world without her, I'd probably kill myself.

I look at her perfect eyes and cute face, and realize she is basically the only one in my life that makes me smile. I decide to tell her that, and she replies with a simple, "Same." We shift our bodies to the couch and she snuggles up to my chest. One of the doctors stands up and goes to the front of the room. "Today we are going to have family conferences, which will be held top see if you are eligible to leave the hospital." I just sat there, stunned. Today was the day I was going for sure. But then again, who's taking me out? My mom and dad are dead, and there is no way in hell I want to see Giana'a face again. I turn to Tess and tell her I'll be right back.

"Mrs. nurse?" I ask unintelligibly. "Yes?" she turns around, looking concerned. "Well, the girl who brought me here, well, we broke up, and now I don't have anyone to take me home." I explain. "Would you like to call your parents?" she responds. "I'd love to, except my father killed my mother and himself..." I drag off, feeling a tear escape my eye. "Oh, dear, I'm so very sorry for your loss Luke. How about I talk to the head doctor, and we'll figure something out. Does that sound good to you?" she asks. "Yea... Do you think I could possibly go home with Tess?" She looks at me and says, "I do not know if Tess is leaving today or not. To be completely honest, I believe she still needs some time. We'll figure something out Luke, it'll be okay." she turns around and walks out of the room. Literally two things ran through my head, one; I'm going to have to see Giana again, and Tess isn't leaving. Fuck.

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