Chapter Two

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*Tess's Pov*

I wake up to find the flat empty. I remember then, Avery is going to her job interview. I guess I'll have the day to myself. I grab my phone and find I have seven notifications on Instagram.

I spend around three hours scrolling Instagram until something happened. I got two comments. Normal. But to my surprise, they weren't from any of my (two) friends, but a random stranger.

"You are so ugly and you should kill yourself. No one like you and you are a worthless piece of shit."

"Why are you still alive?? you're such an ugly fag. You don't deserve to be alive."

And that was it. I had absolutely no idea who this person was. but I didn't like this at all. It made me feel worthless inside. My heart had just fallen into my stomach and I knew I could only do one thing.

This made me feel like I should be dead and that I should've been dead a long time ago. So why not do this right now? I dragged my feet into my bathroom and opened the cupboard. It was there, just where I left it.

I picked up the red tinted blade and studied it for a second. There wasn't much to see, silver blade, red at the sharp point. I sighed and started drawing it across my skin.

Blood came directly after. I didn't hurt, it felt relieving. I kept slicing away at my skin, I knew I was going to die, I was inviting it. Soon my wrist was filled with cuts and I started cutting over those cuts.

As I lay there on the floor, slicing my life away, the door opened. I grabbed my door and pulled it shut, locking it. Avery called my name. I didn't respond.

I heard her walk into my room. "Tess?" I give up. "" I whimper because the pain is now coming to me. I let the tears pour out. "OHMYGOD TESS!! WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING??" she screamed, although we both knew she knew what I was doing.

"Avery, I'm dying."

So real depressing chapter):

But questions!

1-How do you think Avery is going to respond?

2- Do you think Tess is going to live?

Comment vote that kinda stuff!

I love you guys xoxo -Ellen

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