Chapter Twenty One FINAL

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"You're kidding." I respond, pissed beyond belief at her for making a joke like that.

"Nope. He tore my panties and then fucked the shit out of me." She almost giggled.

I broke down crying. I thought she was kidding. But she wasn't. She has to be drunk. She wouldn't have admitted to having sex with my boyfriend if she was sober.

Was Luke even my boyfriend?

What was I too him? Was he just using me?

The rest of the car ride home I was sobbing and Avery was silent. When we walked into the house I saw ripped panties on the floor, along with other various pieces of clothing. Both Luke's clothes and Avery's.

I didn't even bother to say anything to Luke when he looked at me in terror from the kitchen. I stomped into the bathroom, the same one where I had tried to kill myself once. I opened the door to see dry blood all over the floor. My blade was in the middle of it, along with my phone which was covered in bloody finger prints. The smell was putrid. Everything smelt of irony blood. I turned around and locked myself inside. No one could come in now.

I slumped down on the floor, crying until I was screaming. I reached for my blade and tried to pick it up. I couldn't though, it was stuck to the floor. I looked around to see what else I could use to kill myself. Obviously no one cared about me anymore, no one would miss me if I died. Not Avery or Luke or anyone.

I tear open the medicine cabinet I take out all the pill bottles I see. I sit down again and examine them. Sleeping pills, benidryl, thyroid medicine, aspirin. Tearing off the lids if each one, I pour the remaining pills into my hand. I begin to count them, one by one. I get interrupted by banging in the door.

"Tess baby I'm sorry." it was Luke.

"You're not sorry. You don't care about me. And there's nothing you can do to stop me from killing myself." My last sentence makes me grin a bit. I start running the water for the bath. I take each pill, one at a time. Once the bath is full, I have finished all the pills. Luke is still banging the door. Like he really would want to stop me. There's no way in hell he cares about me.

I take all my clothes off and get into the bath. I find my razor from the shelf and sit down. The room starts spinning, the effects of the pills are starting. I slice open my scars, I create new scars, I cut on every inch off my body. My stomach, my ankles, thighs, arms, shoulders, even my boobs. I let the blood flow into the bathtub, mixing the water making it bright red.

Im still not dead?

I cut open my neck. I feel the blood flow into the scars on my boobs. The blood goes everywhere, now making the water clumpy.

"Tess let me in!" Luke screams. I smile to myself. I can no longer talk because I think I cut open my vocal cords. I sink my head below the blood water and open my mouth. I don't even struggle. Im so tired and so done. The liquid rushes into my lungs. I can no longer breath, I can no longer speak, I can no longer see. But I can still hear the wails of Like from outside the door.

Finally as the life slips away from me, Luke knocks down the door with his fist. But he was too late. I was already dead.

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