Chapter One

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*Tess's Pov*

I stretch out in my bed as my alarm clock goes of. I stubble around, trying to find the snooze button, but only knock it onto the floor. Lucky it stops. I drag myself out of my warm, comfy bed and into the kitchen. I find my friend Avery at the stove, making American pancakes. She knows I love American pancakes so much. "Morning lazy pants!" she giggles. "...What?" I ask as she continues laughing at me. "Ohhh you're hair is obnoxious!" she points and laughs. I guess that's what I get for having cotton candy floss hair.

I fall onto the couch and switch on the TV. I have such a boring life, I know. Avery comes out and hands me a plate of five pancakes. "Thanks Avery." I say and eat.

It's nice having someone who cares about me and gives me food. I constantly think about my past. the beatings, the careless parents I have. that's why I live with Avery. I used to live in Italy. My parents spoiled my older sister and have me nothing. They always said she was prettier than me, nicer than me, smarter than me. that's why they hit me. I started cutting. It would ease my pain. Avery was the only one i told. Most of my life there I would run away and spend the night at Avery's house. She always welcomed me and her parents were very kind and generous. Then they had to move to London, and I thought I would never see her again. One day, I still from my parents, packed up my things, and ran away for good. I toke a flight to London. Now I'm here with Avery and everything is ok.

But in reality, nothing is ok. I still cut. I still think about suicide. I still purge, I still starve myself. I'm never going to be ok.

"Tess??" Avery says and I am broken from my thoughts. "What?" I ask startled. "Well I kinda asked you a question.." She responds. "Sorry I didn't hear it." I say. "Ok. Well I asked you if you wanted to go out around town today, maybe do some shopping?" she asked. "Yea sounds good." I say and leave the room.

After becoming presentable, I walk out into the living room where I find Avery slipping on her shoes. I find mine and put them on too. On minutes we have gathered our purses and phones and were out the door.





The last few hours if the day we went to this fancy diner for dinner. We had so much fun, shopping, eating, we even went to see a movie at the cinema. I was so worn out so I throw my stuff on the ground and swiftly move into my covers.

So what do you guys think? I mean I know not a lot has happened this is kinda a crappy chapter but whatevs.

So I'm going to start asking you guys questions at the end of each chapter. They will be asking about your thoughts on the story and what you think will happen next.

Since their hasn't been much in the way of plot, I won't be asking questions today.

xoxo Ellen

Bloody Bracelets // LukeisnotsexyWhere stories live. Discover now