Chapter Fourteen

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I sit down next to Tess, and stare into her blank eyes. I let a tear slide, and she wips it away. "Babe... what's wrong?" she simply asks. "I'm going to have to see Giana again." I respond, and as soon as the words slip out of my mouth, I start balling my eyes out. Tess takes me in her arms and holds me tight. I'm glad I had a shoulder to cry on. Unlike Tess, Giana would call me things when I cried. She'd call me "pussy" and "fuck up". I don't know why I kept her around. I don't understand why she toke me to the hospital and started acting all lovey dovey. I am so fucking sick of that brat. I will find a way to get out of this hell. And I'm taking Tess with me.

My thoughts of escaping are interuppted by Tess's soft voice. "Why do you have to see Giana again? I mean if you're going home today, can;t you just call your parents to come get you?" I didn't want to make a scene, so I tried to stop crying. My lip quivered as I stared into Tess's round eyes full of concern. "My parents... are dead." I respond and let lose a single tear. "Babe... I'm so so sorry! I didn't know... you know if the doctors let me I can take you home!"

I didn't know what to say. I couldn't break it to her that she wasn't leaving, but I couldn't lie to her either.

"I don't know." I simply respond. I create a look of terror and sadness appear on my face and I leave Tess shell shocked. I just need to change the subject. She pulls me into her arms and I hug her back.

Suddenly, everything flashes in my head. The family meeting are in an hour and a half.

Authors note~
Sorry for the short chapter. I've been really busy lately and stressed, and I had to update for you guys. Ill try to get in another update tonight, but I dunno if ill be able to. I love to guys and I'm really sorry for a boring chapter... peace out mofos✌

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