Chapter Ten

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OK. Can I just start this by saying a massive thank you for 1k reads! I honestly never thought my stories would get this big, and its all thanks to you and you and you and everyone! I love you guys so much! Thanks for reading, voting, and commenting! OK so enough of me talking its finally time for an update! xx

I slowly get out of the chair with everyone staring at me. I speed walk out of the room and into mine. I see Avery standing there and I jump into her arms. "Take me home take me home!" I scream as I hug her tight. "Tess! Calm down ." she responds. I fall onto the bed and say, "Fine." She sits down next to me and starts talking. " I'm sorry to say that I can't take you home anytime soon. You have to stay for another week..." From there I just zoned her out. Another week in this hell? With Luke? I don't know if I'm going to be able to handle this. I feel the tears coming and smoosh my face into the pillow. All I wanted was to cut again. Everything this past week has made me want to cut again, even kill myself. I mean you can't blame me, falling in love with someone and then seeing they never will love you back is tuff.

By this point I find myself sobbing, and Avery is rubbing circles in my back. I look up at her and say, " Go away! This is all your fault!" "I'm sorry Tess, but you need to be here." "Just go the fuck away Avery! I don't need your help! Or anyone's help!" With that she got up and left. I wad left to myself to cry. Like always.


I just sit there waiting for a nurse to come in and tell me that Giana is here. Today is the day I'm breaking up with her. The last time she visited I thought I was going to stay with her. Now I want to never be around her again.

The moment happens seconds later. I'm up out of mychair, walking into my room. I see Giana standing in the hallway and she leaps into my arms. Ipush her off and she frowns. "Luke what's wrong?" She asks. "Giana, I never want to see you near me again. Just because I know you cost me one of the greatest relationships I've ever had, and ever will have. I font live you anymore Giana, I'm in live with a girl named Tess Abernathy. She loves me more than you ever could. I never want to see you ever again. Now get your stupid ass out of here before I shove my foot up it!" She laughed and says, "You really think that whore loves you?" "She really does. More than you do!" Giana just laughs and flips her hair. "Whatever loser! I expect you out of my apartment the day you get your suicidal ass out of this place, got it?" She wlks out and I let out the air I've been holding in. That's done with. Now I just have to prove to Tess that I love her more than life its self. I turn around and see none other than, Tess Abernathy.

I'm really sorry if this chapter sucked! I appreciate all your guys love so much! If you could, please put you opinion on this story so far in the comments! xx luv y'all so much

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