Chapter Eight

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The next hour she tells me about how much she has missed me. I finnally decide that I should stick with whats right. Giana is right for me. A nurse comes in and says our time is up. We walk into the hallway and she hugs be goodbye. I say goodbye as she leaves and turn back to walk to the day room. But I am inturrpted by none other than, Tess. The look on her face just shhows that she saw Giana. The sad look on her face quickly turned to disgust as I try to say,     "Tess?". She turns around and runs away.

I stand there frozen. I regan a hold on what just happened as a nurse pulls me to the day room. I walk in and see tess curled up, crying, on the couch that weve been sitting on the past few days.I sit down away from her, and try to forget everything. Now is one of the times ive just want to cut my wrists and ankles apart.I am the reason Tess is crying. I couldn't handle that thought.

The next three days are no fun.Tess is always avoiding me. Whenever I see her, she's in ttears. Giana keeps visiting me. I've been wanting to cutmore than ever.

Every nurse, therapist, docter, and social worker I've seen these few days, I've ied to. All I've said is, "I'm fine" "I feel better." "I think I'm ready to go home." But honestly, I don't want to go home, and I'm not okay. Today the docter prescribed me to an antidepressent and said I can go home in four days.

So I've got four days to save Tess. TO break up with Giana. To tell Tess that I truely love her, and only her.

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