Chapter Twelve

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Holy shit. The only words that crossed my mind. Holy. Shit. She loves  me. And I love her. I think this is the happiest I've ever been, going into this place I never thought I would be happy again. But then there's Tess and my world is completely flipped. Funny thing is the entire room was silent, staring at us, but did we care? No. We just sat there. Minutes pass by, the talking starts again, but we just smile at each other. I didn't know when it was going to end, but to be honest, I really never wanted it too.

"Tess, will you be my girlfriend?" I question and then instantly cover my mouth. She gently takes my hands away and softly says "Yes"

We hug, we hug so tight and never let go. It was like sparks had erupted in my heart, I was so happy. I just imagined what life will be like with her, its going to be absolutely perfect. Suddenly a nurse tells us to let go and everyone continues on with what they were doing

The next few hours Tess snuggles up to me on the couch, and falls asleep. I sit there with my arms around her, just watching the cute Disney movies the little kids were picking out. This was definitely the happiest day of my life, I couldn't think of any day better.


Luke shakes me awake gently for dinner and then I go back to sleep in his arms. I lie there thinking about how lucky I am to be dating a perfect boy. I don't care that hes suicidal. I don't care hes bullied. I love ever god damned thing about him. He is perfection and I cant believe he would break up with such a pretty girl for me. It didn't make sense, but in this moment, nothing mattered. Nothing but Luke.

I knew rom that moment on I was forever happy. I mean everything was just falling into place, all that needed to happen was the fact that we were still stuck in this hell hole. The scary thing is though, either one of us could have to leave at any minute. But still, we get to share this moment together and I don't need to think about the depressing side of this issue.

I don't realize how late it is until I wake up in my bed. Well, not my bed, but the crappy hospital bed. I must've had Luke carry me to bed. I love him so god damn much, and I just hope he isn't leaving tommorow.

(Autors note)

omg i actually updated! sorry its so short, theres another one on the way tonight! and im really sorry for not updating at all because ive been to hell and back recently and i just havent found the time to do anything recently. But.. Ive been thinking zbout the contest ive decided to change something. if anyone enters, can you just shout me a message with the title of youre entry and ill check it out? please and thank you. ily guys and OMG THANKS FOR 2.4K LIKE OMG WHAT WHEN DID THAT HAPPEN???

Bloody Bracelets // LukeisnotsexyWhere stories live. Discover now