Chapter Nine

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I really did like that guy. I even considered telling Avery about him. But now, there is no way want to talk about him. I actually thought he liked me, I liked him, everything was fine. But no, of coarse he has a girlfriend. He clearly never even liked me. Those times when we held hands, smiled at each other, when he kissed my scars, they were obviously lies. I enjoyed every little bit of our" relationship" and now I wish it never even happened.

I have that same feeling I had when I cut last. My heart, falling into my stomach. I would cut right now.

This is all Avery's fault.

If she hadn't taken me here, I would have never had to meet Luke.

Just the thought that the one person I had thought actually liked me, was lying the whole time. Was this real life? I think I'm going to go  insane.

"Tess, can I talk to you?" Someone asks. I look up from my knees to see none other than Luke Cutforth. I place my head in between my knees and feel the first tear fall from my eyes. "Tess, look. I just wanted to tell you-" I stop him there. "I don't want to talk to you right now." I really did like talking to him, I loved him wiping tear away from my face, I loved everything about him. But he didn't, and I honestly don't want to be near him any more. He understood, got up and walked away.

I looked at the clock and saw that there were still 20 minutes until visitors were aloud to come. I wanted to see Avery so bad, tell her to take me with her, because I can't take one more second of this place. I really am going insane. Only five days here, and I've managed to be the happiest person ever to the most broken person ever. I went from hating Avery to needing her so bad. I knew the tears were falling. To be honest, all I wanted was to be home.

Suddenly Go to Hell for Heavens Sake by Bring Me The Horizon comes on the tv. I manage a smile in between my  silent cries. I close my eyes and imagine I'm at home. Soon enough I start to imagine it's real. I lie down on the couch I was sitting on, and somehow fall asleep.

I opened my eyes to find I was at home, on the couch. I had my headphones in, listening to Bring Me The Horizon. Soon Avery comes over and hands me a warm mug of tea. I take of my headphones and say, "Thank you Avery." "Oh no problem!" she replies. "By the way Luke is going to be here any minute, so I'd wake up if I were you." Before I could question her, the doorbell rings. She opens it to Luke dressed in a full on suit. "Luke, hi, what are you doing here?" I ask still half asleep. "To pick you up for our date darling. Don't you remember, we're going to the masquerade ball tonight?"

Suddenly, I find myself in a fancy gown, at the ball. It was As if he snapped his fingers, and everything changed. He toke my hand, and we started dancing. His mask covered his face perfect. I could see his perfect lips, his beautiful eyes, and that was it. I looked deep into them as we danced slowly. Suddenly the other people disappeared, it was only us now. We danced, and he started to lean  in. I knew what was happening. He closed his eyes, and so did I.

I jolt awake,and see I'm back in this hell hospital. I guess I just can't get that red haired cutie out of my head. But he has a girlfriend Tess, he doesn't like you! I find everyone in the room staring at me. What had I done? "Tess, you have a visitor..." one of the assistants say. Yes. Avery was finally here, she's going to take me away finally.


So whatcha guys think? Please please please comment your thoughts!

By the way, thanks for all the reads! I honestly am so stunned, you guys are the best! <3

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