Chapter Three

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"Avery, I'm dying." I stuttered. "TESS WHAT THE HELL!! LET ME IN!!!" she banged on the door so hard I thought it was going to break. I slowly moved to the door, my vision blurred, and unlocked the door. The last thing I saw Avery's face drained of colour and I blacked out.


I saw her limb body lying on the floor and screamed. What if she's dead?? I saw the blade a foot away from Tess and her wrists shredded. I immediately find her phone on the floor and use it to call an ambulance.

I was shaking like crazy as I sat next to Tess almost lifeless body. I took her hand in mine, the last thing I wanted was to lose another person today. My boyfriend broke up with me earlier. The ambulance arrived and found us. They toke her to the hospital and I came with her.

After all the tests we find out that she is in fact ok, but in critical condition. I sat next to her as the stitched her up. They also gave her blood. I guess this is what blood drives were for.

Soon she awoke. "Hey" I smiled and hugged her tight. She looked down at her wrists and sighed. "They fixed me..." she sighed. I knew it was time to tell her. "Tess, you're going to be in here for a week or two. They want you to get better, there's a recovery thing here, your going to be ok. They do have to pump your stomach too, I'm so sorry Tess." I said. "But...Avery..." she said. "I'm sorry. I can't be with you the entire time, but I will visit you as often as I'm aloud. You mean so much to me you know, and this is what's best for both you, and me." Tess looked like she was going to cry. I hugged her for maybe 20 minutes until a doctor came in. "I'm sorry Miss Avery, but I'm am going to have to ask you to say goodbye. She is going to have her stomach pumped now and then we will bring her upstairs. Thank you for taking her here. We will take good care of Tess." I look to Tess and wipe the tear dribbling down her face. "It's going to be ok." I say and hug her.

"Please don't go..." she says as I walk out the door. "I'll see you tomorrow Tess." I say and don't look back. This has been the worst day ever.

Sorry for the super short chapter. I really hope you guys like it so far.

1. What is Avery going to without Tess or her boyfriend?

2. How is Tess going to live without Avery?

3.Do you think Tess' parents going to find out?

Comment vote and stuff!

- xoxo Ellen

Bloody Bracelets // LukeisnotsexyWhere stories live. Discover now