Chapter Seventeen

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I wake up, only to find myself surrounded by medical equipment and wires. I bring my hand to my face and feel around. I feel a big plastic object surrounding my nose and mouth. Presumably an oxygen mask. I sigh and let my arm fall onto my chest. I hear faint whispering behind the curtain next to me. I could only make out a few phrases. "...fine to go..." "...she will be fine..." and "...therapist and meds" are the only things I understand. I slowly sit upward and piece together the information. I'm leaving. I'm going on meds and seeing a therapist. I suspect that 'she' is Tess, but I don't understand the part where they said 'she'll be fine'.

I want to think about it more but two nurses come out from behind the curtain. One of them comes up to me and takes off the oxygen mask. "I see you're awake Mr. Cutforth. How are you feeling?" the smaller nurse asks. I recognize her voice. Suddenly all the moments of last night come back to me. My anxiety attack during the movie, it must have been the reason I'm here. I must have blacked out or something.

Thinking about the night brings me close to tears. I don't want to repeat those happenings though, so I take a deep breath and say the first thing that comes to mind. The one thing that is really important.

"Is Tess okay?" I spit out.

One of the nurses opens her mouth as to say something, but shuts it immediately. "" the smaller of the two starts. Something bad has happened in the time I was out. "What happened to her?" I say sternly.

"Th-there's no reason, Luke. Tess is okay..." She trails off.

"Tell me, please." I was starting to get pissed off. (also extremely worried and scared)

"It is nothing of your concern. Now Miss Avery Pendleton shall be picking you up at 4:00. Currently it is 9 am, if you were wondering, and if you are feeling up to it, you should pack up you clothing and hygiene products." One of them responds.

"Who the hell is Avery Pendleton?" I question.

"Miss Pendleton is Miss Tess Abernathy's closest friend. She brought Tess here, and she has agreed to take you back to her place. Is that alright with you?"

"Yea I don't care. I just want to see Tess."

"Im afraid you can't at the minute." is my final answer and then I'm left alone.

I brush my hand through my hair and take a deep breath. I swing my legs up and out of the bed. I drag myself out of the room lazily, as my depression and anxiety has drained all energy out of me. I open the door to the hallway to find a policeman standing next to me. I jump back, suddenly scared that he's going to hurt me. I don't know why, but I have always been horrified of the police.

A dark voice breaks my thoughts stating, "Hello Mr.Cutforth. My name is Officer Mike, and I am her to escort you back upstairs." I turn my head to the looming figure that towers me and fake a smile. He holds out a hand and I awkwardly shake it. "Right this way Luke." he says as he heads is the opposite direction.



I sit down at the table and join the others for lunch. I instantly realize that Tess isn't here. I need to figure out what happened.

As I'm eating a shitty grilled cheese sandwich, I get to observe the other patients for once. The entire two weeks I've been here I've only been focused on Tess. Most of them seem new, and I realize a few were missing. The girl who is sitting next to me has her knees brought to her chest and she's leaning over. Her ribs are visible right through her shirt, and her collar bones and shoulder bones are extremely visible also. She has incredibly thin hair that comes down to her chin. She looks so much like a skeleton, she must have anorexia nervosa or something. I turn to my other side and see another girl, slightly shorter than me, with thick black hair. She's got large glasses and many piercings throughout her face. She's wearing all black, and I can see her scars. Not deep or wide, but very thin, and layered on top of each other. The guy sitting across from me has bleach white hair, and peaking out of his shirt is a tattoo on his shoulder. I can slightly make out the first word out of two, "Jeremy". I try to imagine who Jeremy is. Maybe someone from his family, maybe a friend who passed away, maybe a boyfriend?



The teenager group comes back from classes and switches out with the little kids with anger management. A nurse comes to the front of the room and announces that we are going to watch a movie and then have free time in our rooms. The movie she puts in is again a lame Disney movie, but it make me think more and more about Tess. I imagine her hand in mine, her head resting in the crook of my neck. But that was all gone. I feel a warm tear slide down my cheek and swiftly wipe it away with the back of my hand. II'm most likely never going to see Tess ever again.

wow I updated. btw I really sorry for the lack of updates. my depression has been growing rather bad recently and I've lost a ton of energy. that and I'm kinda a procrastinator. XP

please please please tell me what you think of my story. I'm dying to know your opinions, and trust me, negative or positive, it will help me. each comment and vote means so much to me. also give me suggestions on how to fix what I've done poorly. I love you guys and I can't wait to read your comments!!

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