Chapter Sixteen

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I squeezed Tess's hand tight and start to shake. I can't see anything anymore and I felt so faint. I felt Tess shake me but I was to scared. I didn't know how to respond to her. my breathing sped up. My heart kept pounding. I didn't want to feel this any more. I was terrified. I didn't want to live without Tess.

I felt people crowd in around me, but I can't see. I'm completely horrified. I was going to kill myself without Tess. I don't think I could handle it. My breathing was so quick I could barley breath at all. I was so dizzy. Darkness flowed over me and I just stopped.


Luke was shaking and breathing so heavily. I didn't know what to do, so I called the nurse over. I shook him, I screamed his name, but he wouldn't stop. the nurse calmly talked to him, but his breathing just sped up. I was so scared, everyone was staring at us. Then all of a sudden Luke stopped breathing. He slowly let go of my hand. He fell into a slumped over form, and he might have been gone.

The nurse calls someone on the phone, shouting, but I didn't listen. I grabbed one of Luke's hands and with my other hand shook him. I screamed his name. My screams turned to weeps and begs as I cried. Suddenly a roller bed or whatever comes in and the drag him onto it. They strap something onto his face for him to breath. I wasn't thinking straight. All I could think of is him.

The nurses toke him away.

I tried to follow but they wouldn't let me. I fell to my knees and shoved my hands in my face I coughed and cried so hard. A nurse tried to calm me but I just screamed. she didn't understand. I love Luke with all my heart and I would die for him. "I need to be with him!" I yelled. "Sweetie, Luke is going to be fine. We can take care of him." she responds.

I push her away from me and run to my room.

I jumped onto my bed and thought of ways I could cut myself. I decide to run into the bathroom and I smash the mirror to bits. I lock the door and roll my sleeves up. I rip the sharp side across my skin, tearing open my arm. I continue, over and over again I cut. I realized how hard I was gripping the shattered piece when blood spills from my fingers. I cut the other arm and realize I don't know why I was doing this. But I continued anyway.

Then I toke it to the next level.

I brought the blood covered piece to my neck.

And I ripped it.


Then black.

Bloody Bracelets // LukeisnotsexyWhere stories live. Discover now