Chapter Eighteen

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I wake up startled to find many wires going into my arms. I bring my hand to my neck and fell a wrap around it. I shoot straight up and rip it off. I want- no I need to see Luke. I need to know he's okay. I am furious. I violently strip my body of all the wires and attempt to storm out of my room. I am stopped by two doctors. They shout at me and realize my wires are gone. They start shoving me back to my bed and more doctors come rushing in. I fight them as hard as I can, trying to break free.

I feel blood coming out of my neck, the wrap laying on the floor. I must have torn my stitches or something. The doctors bring me down onto the bed and practically strap me down. I scream and flail, I need to get loose. My mind racing, I felt my head spinning. I scream again, and then a doctor brings out a syringe. I feel a sting in my arm and everything goes black.


I beleive this chick is insane. From what I know, she smashed a mirror and sliced open her neck because Luke might have died. She doesn't understand. He had an anxiety attack. After I talked to his therapist, I found out that he is terrified to go. Don't know who is more insane. I bet they love each other.

After Dr. Ronni gives her a sleeping medicine, she calms down. These kind of patients stress me out the most. But it's my job, I'll take it.I turn away from Tess and sigh. Now we're going to have to redo her fucking stitches."Well lets get this over with.." one of the other doctors says.


Looking around, Leah, my therapist, is packing up my room for me. I've got the thin sheet wrapped around me. "You're going to be okay Luke. Remember what you came here for. You were here for help, not a girlfriend. I'm sure you'll find a girlfriend, or a boyfriend, that will be emotionally stable. That's what you need. Tess is too triggering for you. You've become so much better this past two weeks, I don't want you going back to you're old ways. I'll be meeting with you continue sly after you leave, just to keep you in check." She says kindly, but strictly. I feel a warm tear drip down my face, but swiftly push it away.

"Is Tess okay?" I ask, trying to manage a smile. 

"Not exactly. I believe she will be staying here for another week. At least a week." she responds, her concealing smile disappears.

"Why? What happened to her?" I ask, feeling despret to see her again.

"I'm not allowed to tell you what happened. Personal things. You need to forget about her. Avery is going to take care of you for a few days, but then you are going to need to rent an apartment for yourself. You need to forget about everyone you met her. Everyone. This was not supposed to be a social activity." She seemed to becoming pissed.

As she stuffed the last of my clothing into a giant bag, she looks up at  me. She sets the bag on the floor and sits next to me on he bed. She wraps her arm around me and says, "Luke, I beleive in you, I really do. I beleive that you will make it through this, and you will be ok.". She rubs my shoulder and smiles. Leah gets up and hands me the bag. I drop the sheet and walk with her to the front counter. I am handed my Converse, which I have actually missed. I also get my phone back, along with my youtube sweatshirt. As Leah talks to the doctor, I sit down and slip on my shoes along with my sweatshirt. I stuff my phone in my pocket and grab my bag. Leah takes me to the elevator. She hands me a buisness card and says, "Here you go. Call me anytime you need me. I've got three days that are avalible coming up soon, I mean available for an apointment. How does April 14 sound? And if that doesn't work, I've got the following days after that open."

"Oh yea, the 14th is fine." I respond, not even thinking if I'm going to be doing anything for the next two weeks. She presses the down button on the elevator and I wait for the lift. I'll see you then, Luke. Hopefully you'll be okay for the next week?" She smiles.

"Yes. Thank you Leah. I'll see  you then." I wave goodbye as I walk into the elevator. I press the button for the lobby and take a deep breath. As the elevator goes down, I imagine what these next three days are going to be like. Living in my girlfriends flat, with her best friend, while she isn't there. I think hard, as this is the most awkward thing thst is going to ever happen to me. 

The elevator door opens and I walk out to the lobby. I see a few couches, all tan with a little red strips. There are more people than I thought there would be. I see an old lady and a younger lady walk in. From Leah's describtion, I look for Avery,  a tall girl with dyed red hair. I look around and then see her. She sitting at one of the couches with her face in her phone. I walk up to her shyly and take one last deep breath. She looks up and smiles. Her hair is in a messy bun. She's got glasses, huge glasses, along with baggy sweatpants. She looks up at me and smiles. She's got a great smile, it lights up her face. Her eyes are a deep shade of blue. "Hey, you must be Luke?" she asks. 

"I..uh..yea, I'm Luke. You're Avery?" I say, not knowing what I should say. 

"Yup, ready to go? I've already checked you out and I grabbed you're medication." she stands up. Suprisingly, she's almost as tall as me. I'm super tall, and so is she. 

"I'm yea, ready." I stutter, astonded by her beauty.

She walks me to her car and I drag behind her. As I step into her car, I smile for real, and it was probably the first time in a while. The car ride to the flat is filled with cheerful conversation. Avery asks me about myself, and they're all the positive questions. I find out a bit about her too. When we arrive at the apartement building, I walk in close to her. 

We get into her flat and I instently hop onto her couch. It's extremly comftorble, or at least more comfy than the ones at the hospital. She starts playing music through the television, My Chemical Romance. "Would you like some coffee?" she smiles. 

"Yes, sure." I say and lie down on the couch. As she walks into the kitchen, I think about Tess all of a sudden. I start feeling bad, because I feel myself falling for her best friend more than Tess. I don't know how I feel. I guess I feel bad but happy at the same time. I like Avery, this is going to be a fun weekend.

She brings me the coffee and I slurp it up. It's delicious, a French vanilla coffee as if it was from StarBucks. We sit awkwardly listening to My Chemical Romance. I set the mug down on the coffee table. "Hey Avery, where's the bathroom?" I ask, suddenly feeling I need to pee.

"It's the hallway... that way." she points to the left slowly. It was odd. She's been super cheerful up until this moment. She seemed scared. "I'm going to warn you though. It's a bit...messy..." she trails off and I slowly turn away. I walk down the hallway and look down at the floor. Suddenly I see an odd spot on the floor. At first I don't mind, but then I see it again, only bigger. I find the first door and find a big stain right in front of the door. I think it's a little tint of red, but I don't know. I open the door and suddenly know exactly what it is. All over the white tile floor, there is a deep dark colour of red. I see footprints in the red. It's blood. There is a phone on the floor. I stumble backwards, I suddenly realize, this is where Tess tried to kill herself, this is her blood. Everything starts making sense. Avery being scared of letting me to the bathroom. Avery, with a messy bun and sweatpants and glasses. She hasn't cleaned this up yet. It was weeks ago. I started feeling like Avery wasn't okay. 

I suddenly had the biggest urge to help her. I didn't want to cry. I wanted to help Avery through this.

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