Part 9

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Chapter Nine

It's the month of June and it's unusually cold today looking at how sunny it was earlier in the day. I curl myself up on the couch with a thick blanket covering my body. I'm a wreck of emotions right now and I won't be the best company for anyone. After that so pleasantly unpleasant conversation I had with James' son I've been left thinking. It's been two days already and I've not  been to work neither have I called any of my friends nor Brian to brief them about my absence. The fact that I feel so bad is because I'm actually considering the offer Justin made to me.

The douche bag who happens to be James' eldest son apparently came to meet me that Thursday to make me an offer. I was so drunk then that I could hardly hear anything he was saying but I still remember the most important details of it.

" My dad is hell bent on looking for you to apologize for what he 'thinks' my mom did to you and no matter how hard any of us try to explain to him  that we did nothing wrong to you , he still thinks otherwise. And it's killing my mom to know how much my dad cares about his mistress. My dad knows you don't work on Thursdays that's why he hasn't been here yet kneeling before you. He'll surely be here tomorrow" He had began with his shoulders pulled back arrogantly. My head is still spinning and I'm holding it in my hands but I can still hear him. I guess I wasn't as drunk as I thought.

"So what do you want me to do? Your family problems shouldn't be my worry. Should it?" I snapped at him while passing my right hand all over my face.

"Of course it should be your problem. You're breaking my family and I fucking need you to lie low for sometime. I don't want my dad to come find you here. I'll pay you twice what you earn here in a month." he scowls at me. If he's so desperate to fix his parents marriage, shouldn't he be begging me? But he was acting all arrogant. Then he dropped a bomb I wasn't expecting.

"If you feel any amount of love for my father, you should be able to do this for him. For the sake of his children. For his family. I don't think you understand how it feels to live in a house where there's no peace because your parents are always fighting." That was all I needed to drain the alcohol from my body. I had gulped in my saliva loudly. More than anyone in this world I understood him. I was once at the same stage he is now. The only difference is I was so  young then and I did absolutely nothing to fix the stale relationship my parents had and I honestly admire him for standing up for his family. There's a loud knock on my door. It's so loud that I feel my head will fall off. It feels like I have a hangover but I haven't even touched alcohol. My head hurts from so much overthinking and that is so unlike me. I shuffle my feet lazily and drag myself forcefully to open the door. My eyes are closed and my hand is rubbing my eyes vigorously when I feel someone welcome himself into my apartment . The scent immediately hits me. Is this a game or what? Why is he here? How did he even find where I live.

" Are you a stalker? Is that what you do for a living or just find pleasure in making people feel uncomfortable?" The headache seems to have disappeared because all I can feel is the anger burning inside. This is not funny anymore.

"You're coming with me!" his voice is  husky and it has that authoritativeness in it that irks me so much. He's nicely dressed in a black jeans and a white t-shit. He shouldn't be wearing white when he's already white. I fold my arms as i watch him  make himself comfortable on my couch. There's a thin line holding in my patience.

" My dad has your address and is heading here in a few hours. What did you do to him? Black magic? I doubt that thing exist." I scoff. He's looking around my apartment like he doesn't live in a mansion. I don't know why I behave tight lipped whenever he's around. I'm never a quiet person so I don't get the kind of effect he has on me. Right then my phone rings. It's from Brian.

" Hey, I'm not feeling too well so I......"

" No it's fine" he interjects and I give him a questionable stare but of course he can't see it.  " I think you should lie low for sometime. James' wife followed him to the club  and she's waiting to devour you." Sophie's worried voice can be heard at the background. She's probably shouting on top of her voice. What is going on at all? I thought we are in the century when women don't fight for men anymore. I throw my phone on the arm chair carefully because I don't want to ruin a phone that is worth my two months salary. I sneer at the Justin Bieber figure sitting comfortably on my couch. Now I know I have no choice than to go with him. I didn't spend so many years working on my amazing figure and face just to have a cat scratch all over my face. That too from a woman who could be my mother. I don't even change out of my pajamas. I grab my phone and let my self out holding my keys. Of course the imbecile is following closing behind. I can't see his face because my back is turned to him but I know he's smirking right now. He's won. I'm going with him to God knows here. I lock the doors behind me and watch him take me to hell.

I fell asleep on the way  to my dismay, so I don't even know where we are when the car comes to a stop. I blink my eyes open and all I can feel is how cold the place is. It smells of the sea but I don't see any around us. He leads the way and before I know it we're in this beautiful two story building house made of French windows and doors. It's so beautiful. If not for the fact that the lights inside are off, I would see right through it inch of it. It was a quiet ride and I purposely fell asleep to prevent getting in a conversation with him. In as much as I like his perfume and deodorant scent I still hate his presence. He gives me a creepy vibe. I try calling Christine, Brian and Sophie in a conference call to let them know I'm okay but it turns out the network has to bailed on me. I drag myself into the house following his footsteps.

" No one comes to this house. My dad bought this house as a wedding present for my mom when they got married " I gasp. I think i underestimated how rich James is. It's hard to believe no one lives here because  the house is fully furnished. Justin stretches his long legs on the sofa and turns on the tv leaving me standing at the doorway. I scoff so loud to make sure he sees what I'm getting at but he doesn't even look at me. He's proving to be a douche bag and I can't believe I'll be stuck here with him for God knows when. I'm sure it won't be long because I don't plan on keeping James' wife in the dark anymore. I just want her to calm down because the climax is at its peak and if I approach her now to try and explain my point, I might end up injured.

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