Part 26- The Unexpected Call.

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Chapter Twenty-six

"So? Did it happen last night?"

"I'm not telling you anything!"

"Oh c'mon!. If it happens, it'll be your first time." I slap my hands on Sophie's mouth before anyone can hear her. She has been bugging me since morning to let her in on whatever happened between Justin and I last night. I don't know why but it's kind of embarrassing to let people know I haven't done it before. I don't look the part of a virgin. It's our first morning and we're going cruising  on a Yacht. How amazing is that? This is exactly like my dream vacation. I shove Sophie aside and join the others at breakfast.

"Who'd have thought I'd ever be on a Yacht? My one month salary at Black Alley would not even be able to afford this luxurious vacation." If I didn't know  Christine so well, I'd say she's an insensitive person. She buries her head in her meal immediately after saying this. I guess she doesn't realize what she has said until I elbow her. She cringes and turns to Brian apologetically.

"C'mon guys! You don't have to be walking on eggshells all the time around me. Trust me, it's fine! I'm proud of myself for what I did. I would never endanger any of you girls or my staff for some few bucks." I reach for his hand across the table and squeezes it. Justin clears his throat noisily. I can't believe he still has trust issues.

"Since we're talking about black Alley, what's the plan for you girls?" Alex queries.

"I've been thinking." Sophie begins, her face suddenly turns serious. She knits her brows as if she's thinking really well about what she's about to say." I want to study medicine ." Suddenly I have a legitimate coughing fit and I hit my chest several times to make it go away. Everyone's quiet for a moment. I think we're all trying to wrap our head around what she has just said.

"But hun! We both know you're scared of blood." Alex says and she stares back at him with a squinted eye.

"I see blood every month!"

"Yucks!" All the boys say at once including Alex. Justin is pretending to choke on his breakfast.

"Y'all are pathetic!" I throw a napkin at Justin but he catches it midair while laughing. We all brush Sophie aside and move to Christine.

"I've always wanted to take up a marketing course so I guess, I'll get into that."I nod in agreement. Christine is smart and she will excel in that field. I raise my coffee to my mouth but stops midway because all eyes are glued on me. I get it! I let out a loud crazy laugh which gets everyone confused.

"Me?" I ask and then laugh again.

"I don't have any idea what I want to do." I say and end it with laughter. I look up at everyone but they're all not laughing. There's a concerned look on their faces. Especially Brian and Justin. Has their rivalry gone from 'who's getting the girl' to 'who's getting the girl a future'? I suck in a breath when it finally hits me. Everyone's has their next step figured out except me! Brian is going into Accounting. He already has a an Accounting degree and Jeremiah has promised to get him a job. Right then, everything starts rushing back to me. The girl who didn't have a future three years ago, that same girl is staring at me. Even after three long years, I still have no clue what my Plan B is. 

My thought is interrupted by a phone call. An unexpected one for that matter. It's from my cousin Marcus. I look up at my friends and then excuse myself to answer the call.

"Your mom is sick! You need to come home." His voice is raspy. As if I'm to be blamed for it.

"Doesn't she have a husband? I'm sure it's not something you guys can't take care of?" I snap at him and hang up. I turn my phone off. All of a sudden my palms are sweaty and my knees are giving me away. The cool breeze from the sea is fanning my face and suddenly, I feel dizzy. I squeeze my eyes shut. I don't even see my body going down until I see everyone rushing to me. Just when I'm finally having a good vacation, devoid of all the craziness I've had to deal with lately, this happens?

I fill in my friends about the details of the phone call and they all advice I go. They decide to cut the vacation short so I don't feel alone and left out. Of course I don't want that! We didn't come here because of me so even if I'm not around, the party should go on. I refuse to ruin their moment because of my petty family issues.

I leave with Justin the next morning. I tell them I'd be back the same day because I don't plan on staying the night there. The traffic is heavy and the whole town of Accra is bustling and busy like always. I smile when I think of Justin going over to see my mom. He rubs his free hand on my thighs and I suddenly feel the urge to make him stop the car so I kiss him. The kind of craziness that creeps in when I'm with him is unbelievable. It's too early for a horny section but i so am. His hand is going to a restricted area. I smile while biting my lips. Doesn't he know that we're in Ghana? It's too early in the day to get horny. I slap him on the  shoulder playful and he winks at me. What a jerk!

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