Part 12

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Chapter Twelve

We're having a silent ride back to Accra. No one is daring to bring up what happened last night and I'm glad he's not talking about it. I hate myself so much for what I did. I don't even know why I told him so much. I feel extremely stupid. I look down at the clothes I'm wearing and I'm not even ashamed that I'm wearing his clothes. I've packed my pajamas in a shopping bag because obviously, it's dirty and smelly. He kindly offered me a pair of blue jeans and a black t-shirt. I'm looking through the window of his Ferrari. I don't want to look at him. My heart is beating so fast and I don't even know why. I notice him stealing glances at me from the corner of my eyes. I don't dare look back at him. I'm too ashamed to . What was I thinking when I threw myself at him like that? What would he be thinking of me?

" Take me to your house." I finally speak breaking the awkward silence between us. That is when I realize what I said came out wrongly. I hit my forehead with my hand dramatically.

" Not in that sense. I want to speak to your mom." he chuckles. I don't know what's funny but I don't want to ask either. I want to cut ties with James' family completely. I don't want to have anything to do with them anymore. His eldest son is so intimidating and it's freaking me out.

"Why did you suddenly ask me to leave last night?" My eyes are still fixed outside the window. And yes! I did kick him out.

"I do what I want to do when I feel like it." I say this without looking at him. He has such beautiful eyes that I might drown in his stare.

"I'm sorry if I made you feel uncomfortable. I just thought...."

" I wanted to make out with you? Right!" He's silent and that certainly confirms my thoughts. He still sees me as a prostitute who throws herself at any man she sees. I'm glad he doesn't try to say anything for the rest of the journey.

Luck finds me everywhere I go and I'm so fortunate to be in James' house right now. And I'm staring at  two people that I thought I would never see again in my life. They're the least of my worries right now because aside the flabbergasted expression on their faces, all I can think of is the murderous stare Mrs.Rhode is giving me. It's creepy and scary. James is all smiley and so is Ariana.I smile nervously at all of them from where I'm sitting.

"I'm so sorry my family treated you with so much hostility when all you have is good intentions." I smile and nod at James.

" Yes! And I'm really sorry for everything Mrs. Rhode. I just want to make it clear that I'm not your husband's mistress. As a matter of fact, I'll never want to get involved with a man who's old enough to be my father." I explain

" How do you expect me to believe you?" She snaps at me but to my surprise Justin steps in for me.

" it's true mom. You should actually be thanking her because when you were busy making dad's life uncomfortable here, with your constant nagging, she was there to be his sense of reasoning. She helped dad out in patching things with you." No! I didn't do that. I'm confused! What is he saying? That is when my so bad memory recalls the conversation I had with James the day I went to his house. I had advice him to try and understand his wife. He should go back to being the husband that his wife married and try being a little affectionate towards her to make her understand that he still loves her. I did say all this to him but if Justin knew, why didn't he tell his mother right away? Why did he give me a place to hide from his mother? There are so many questions running through my mind at the moment and only Justin can answer them. I give him a questionable stare and I know he gets what I'm getting at. There's a lot of time to nag him later but right now Mrs.Rhode's stare has soften.

"I'm sorry about my mannerless attitude. It's a good thing Justin took you away because I went to your apartment and if I had found you, you'd have been so sorry." I was expecting that so I'm not surprised she's saying it.

James and his wife have excused themselves and I'm sure they're making up. I turn to leave when I realize have two more demons to deal with: Jenny and Laura. They were my best friends back in Senior high school but they decided I wasn't so good for them after they found their way to college. I did nothing to them but i got so much cold treatment from them that my heart began to ache. They excluded me from everything they did. They never even invited me to any of their outings. It's nice how seeing them again doesn't make my heart hurt anymore. It took me a long time to come to terms that we are no longer friends.

" actually my dad called me the night you had your nervous breakdown. I told him you were safe and that was when he briefed me about the relationship you have with him." So Justin knew even before I had explained and he didn't say anything? What a jerk. I notice my ex besties staring down at me. I roll my eyes at them. I walk pass them to the door when they spew out the nonsense they've always spewed out. Trying to guilt trip me for not keeping in touch with them.

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