Part 21

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Chapter Twenty-one

"How does it feel being in a romantic relationship with the  man of your dreams?" Sophie queries.

"We're not in a relationship!" I reply. Christine scoffs while shuffling her feet to the kitchen counter.

"Not in a relationship? Or you're just trying out your feelings to see if you don't go blank on him?" And as always, Christine knows where to hit the nail right on the head. I've met a lot of people but immediately I start to like them, I just go all blank on them. And honestly, I wouldn't want to do that to him.

"Mr.Impeccable would be so hurt if he ever hear you talk like that."

"And I will kill you myself if he ever finds out." I threaten.

"I do like him a lot. And the fact that this feeling is still fixed after being with him for two months, is amazing. It makes me believe that things will be different this time around." Christine shoots me a look from the kitchen. She's making noodles which is perfect for a Friday afternoon. I'm very hungry.

"I still don't understand why you're not madly in love with him yet. You guys do all the couple goals out there. You just don't post him on social media but we all know how entangled you both are with each other." She begins counting our activities on her fingers. She's not wrong though. We go to the gym together and i even managed to get him to enroll in my dance class. And oh! I didn't force him. I found out he knows how to dance so I only blackmailed him into joining me. The thought of me being paired with another man in the dance team made him agree to it.

"I'm meeting up with Brian at the club." The look on my friend's face when I say this, is damn serious.

"No! You're not going anywhere!" Sophie snaps at me. She runs to the door to block the entrance.

"Guys! Relax! The coast is clear. Those scum bags are not at our necks anymore." I assure them and when they get distracted by something I don't know of, I sneak out before any of them can stop me.

I don't know what hit me but before I know it, I'm trying hard to keep my eyes open. I feel my body slowing down to the ground. My body is shaking tremendously. I can't even picture the faces of the people that are dragging me away from the stage in the club. That is all I remember happening before my eyes finally bail on me.


I squeeze my eyes hard trying to catch a glimpse of the people who have crowded around me. The sun ray hits me stripping me off my chances of seeing the people around. I block the sun ray with my left hand. The image is blare. My eyes are wide open now but I can't see anyone clearly. Someone helps me sit properly on the bed. After sometime, I'm able to see Justin and Christine. I still can't see them clearly.

"What happened? Where's Brian?"I ask in a soft confused voice.

"He's fine!" Justin responds in a cold stern voice.

"We found you passed out and being dragged away into a van when we arrived." My eyes are fully opened now. I can see everyone clearly. Christine is the one talking to me. I look around and find myself in my apartment.

"I think you were drugged!" Sophie says stretching the 'drugged' word.

"It's a good thing Justin was with us. If that hadn't happened..." she pauses and look over at Justin who's trying so hard to not meet my gaze.

"You would have been thrown into a dungeon or who knows where." Despite how drowsy I feel, I manage to smile at her sense of humor.

"So tell me! Where's Brian?" I ask again and I see Justin Flinching but he doesn't say a word.

"He was shot in the arm but he's fine. He clearly told us to not report this to the police. He instructed us to bring you home. He even gave us a medicine that would drain the cocaine or heroine or whatever they gave you from your body." The reply comes from Christine.

"How long have I been here?"

"Two days!" The reply is curt. I don't know why but I feel Justin is angry with me. My friends leave to make something for me. I stretch my hand to Justin but he ignores me and settle at the edge of the bed. He pulls the duvet over my body and walks right out the door. Just like that, without a word. My heart sinks into my stomach. Ever since our relationship changed to romantic, this is the first time that he's being so cold and distant. Did I just lose a great man like that because of my stubbornness? I begin to shudder.

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