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Chapter Fifteen

Having a day out with the girls is something I've missed so much. With everything that has been happening lately, we've hardly had anytime to bond so we decided to go out for lunch.I hope this bonding session will make Christine open up and tell us whatever is bothering her.

" I like this peace. It's almost addictive!" I say inhaling deeply.

" I know! Things have been messy lately. With your encounter with the crazy Rhodes." I stick my tongue out in disgust. I never want to be reminded.

"And how dramatic someone has been by lying to her boyfriend about working in a restaurant that has been closed years ago." Christine adds and we turn to look at Sophie who's sipping her apple Juice. She's obviously pretending to be oblivion to what we're talking about.

" or to have to deal with a friend who keeps secrets all the time." I cup my face in my palms and stare back at Christine. Things might heat up any second if Christine doesn't talk. Sophie doesn't have that kind of patience and she doesn't have any respect for our girl code which is understandable because she tells us everything about herself. I guess that's because she trusts us as her best friends so i understand how it hurts her when Christine shuts us out like that. Christine sighs with her eyes lowered. Her fork is playing with the rice in front of her.

" You know you can always talk to us. Right?" She's sitting opposite me so I can look her in the eyes while I tell her this. She's obviously not looking into mine so she doesn't see the concern look on my face.

" I know I can always talk to you guys but it's sometimes embarrassing to talk about these things." Sophie is side eyeing her. She's sitting beside me so I can see her facial expression with the corner of my eye.

"There's nothing embarrassing about living with a step mother who treats you like shit. No one here feels pity for you. We ask because we genuinely care about you." Sophie says  in a soft voice. She has dropped the hard girl act, which by the way is not her style.

"I want to move out!" She mumbles the words out. We're all relieved to find out things are not as bad as we thought. Sophie and I thought, her step mother was marrying her off to an old Alhaji somewhere in the North. And it has gotten us worried for so many days. Christine is a Muslim but she abandoned her religion when her father died. I don't know when her father died because we weren't friends by then. We've never asked what caused his death because it's a sensitive topic for her and we all respect that. I know the image that comes to mind when a Muslim girl is mentioned but trust me, Christine is not your typical Muslim girl. She doesn't have an accent neither does she have those huge tribal marks on her face. Her skin color is similar to that of Chloe Bailey's. She has dark lips with very small black eyes.

" It's about time you did! You were the only child of your father and you have no idea where your mother is. You obviously don't have any business being in that house. And your half siblings aren't treating you any better." Sophie says shaking her head.

" She has a point. You're welcome to stay with me for as long as you want." I Offer grinning ear to ear.

" I don't want to be a burden. I have enough money to rent a small single room for the mean time." I don't know who frowns first but both Sophie and I  are frowning at her. My French fries is half way in my mouth when she says this. We both pause and look at her with a frown. I don't think we need to explain anything to her. She should get what we mean before I empty my orange juice on her face. Her face lights up. She's grinning foolishly at us with no shame.

My life has gone back to normal. No more drama and I'm living with my dream girlfriend. For some reason I wish Sophie's parents would kick her out so she can come stay with me and Christine. But I know very well that won't happen. She's lucky to have such understanding parents, whom despite being well to do agreed to her ditching her studies to work in a club. Apparently, they respect her boundaries and privacy. How sweet! I wish my own parents were like that. I'm happy Christine is settling in fine and not feeling much of a bother. I've briefed her about Mrs.Eva and how much of a gossip she is. Christine is not as sarcastic and nice as I am so I'm scared for Mrs.Eva. Her jaw might drop in awe if she ever decides to go all 'godly' on her.Paul is a nice man and I'm sure she would warm up to him pretty fast.

Rainy season is not my favorite but since I can't enjoy winter, I'll just be nice to it. June is gone pretty fast and July is settling in just fine. At least it's not being a bitch to me like June was. And I'm glad. In as much as July came with peace, it also came with a lot of confusion and dishonesty. Talking of dishonesty, all I can think of is Brian and how much he's changed. Can you imagine he wants to fire all of us and close down the club. He so damn well owes us all an explanation because it doesn't add up.

"Hey, have you noticed Brian's being acting strange lately?" I scrunch my brows while querying Sophie. She nods with the same worried look on her face.

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