Part 30- A Christmas/Birthday surprise.

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Chapter Thirty.


R&E is a group of companies which deals in a lot of businesses. They have hotels, restaurants, cafeterias, banks and even a talent management agency. Most of their businesses are in Australia and London but a few are in Ghana and South Africa. They also have a packaging company and they own one of the largest manufacturing companies in Ghana. I've known about R&E since I was in high school. I recall using some of their products as examples in my Economics class. Never had I imagined that my life would be intertwined with theirs.

"Why don't you just accept the offer?"

"No! I don't want Justin to be solving all my problems for me."

"I don't think that's what he's doing. Their company needs a model and he told you about it. If he did, then that's because he believes in you. He trusts you can do it. And besides you'll be applying as a normal person and not the girlfriend of the owner's son." Christine is making sense. He only told me about it and he clearly told me to not apply if I don't like it.

"This is a once in a life time opportunity! Don't let it slip away." Sophie is also right. I remove the straw from the orange juice and gulp it down my throat. That attitude is everything but public decent. We're out having dinner. Once in a while, we do that. It's more like a ritual.

"I can't believe we're in December already!" Sophie chirps with her face cupped in her palms.

"I know right! It feels like it was yesterday that I met you girls. And here we are, almost four years together!" I sigh and stare into blank space.

"And the fact that your birthday is just around the corner." I've totally forgotten about that. I don't usually celebrate my birthday because to me, it's just another normal day. I don't even fuss about it. But for the past three years, my friends have been making it memorable. It's also my first birthday without Brian and the club. We've always celebrated it at the club. It's just sad to think that the place is no more. Brian got a job as an Accountant somewhere in the Western Region so I doubt he'll make it in time for my birthday. Right after Christmas, Sophie will be leaving to study medicine in Japan. Next year, everything will be so different and it scares me to the core. I got so lost into living life with them that I refused to believe a time like this would come. I had shut that thought far away somewhere in my mind. Thinking about all this finally makes me decide to apply for the modeling job.

25th December! I treat it just like any other day on the calendar, despite it being my birthday and Christmas Day as well. I wake up as early as 5:30am only to find the house empty. I can't find Christine nor Sophie. I check in their bedroom but I'm surprised to find their beds neatly made. It's like they  didn't spend the night at home. I try calling but their phones are turned off. I shrug and get ready for my morning routine. I pull myself in my workout outfit and head to the gym. The harmattan is damn heavy. My lips dry up immediately after I lick them. It's a good thing I'm unleashing all my anguish on the treadmill. In no minute I don't feel the dryness on my skin anymore. There's sweat running down my face and every part of my body. I do a few stretches and head out. I'm almost at home when I get a text from Justin.

Justin: Christmas Dinner party at my house tonight. I'll be expecting you. I promise! it's just family.

I put the phone away and head to my apartment.

"Happy birthday Kylie." Mrs. Eva and Paul greets me cheerily as I enter the building. I smile almost too wide at them. They're both holding presents that are wrapped up.

"Thank you. Thank you so much." I say and engulf them in a hug. I don't think my best friends forgot my birthday but  the silence from them is killing me. This is the first time they're doing this in three years.


It's almost 8pm and I still haven't heard anything from my friends nor even Brian. I push all the negative feelings I'm having aside and get ready to go to Justin's.

The gate opens immediately I get there. I don't know why but I just enter. I'm wearing a black strapless sheath dress. I walk into the living room and glance at the kitchen but I'm surprised to find the space empty. I sigh almost in anger at the games they're playing with me. With having an IQ that is as high as 99.9%, I can tell it's a surprise party. I walk to the garden. My eyes bug out at the decorations. The lights around the Christmas tree is turned on. And suddenly " Happy birthday!" Everyone says in unison instead of the usual "merry Christmas" greetings on 25th. Champagne is running down my face. I laugh my way to the table and engulf my friends in a warm embrace. I tilt my head up to avoid tears from running down my face. Everyone comes to me with their wrapped up gifts and wishes me a happy birthday and a merry Christmas all together.I gasp at the next person who presents his gift.

"You made it!" I hug Brian happily. It means everything to me to see him here. I thought he wouldn't make it. It's Friday and I know how heavy the traffic get. So I appreciate him driving all the way up here to celebrate with me.

We finally sit down to eat dinner. It's was about time we get it done with the food. I must admit, I'm starving like hell. I don't know who opted for these foreign dishes but they're amazing. After dinner and dessert, Justin finally gives me his gift. It's a huge box like the one that was delivered at my house. Just that, this one is squared.

"Open it!" He gestures his hands towards the box. I laugh slightly and begin to remove the wrappers on the box.

I open the box only to find another box. Then another, then another, all in various sizes. The sizes decreases as I open. I finally get to the smallest box and I'm praying it's not what I'm thinking. I open it only to find a diamond ring. I slap my hand on my mouth in shock. I look everyone in the face one by one. Everyone has that same expression. Shock! I've never seen myself cry as much as I'm crying now. The last time I cried like this was when I left home. I look up at Justin and hug him. My legs are shaking so he pulls me a chair so I sit down. Mrs. Rhode is sipping too much wine and I'm scared she might ruin this moment for me. He goes on one knee and asks the question everyone has been waiting for. I look at Ariana and I'm sure her lips might sore from so much smiling.

"I don't want to do any long cheesy speeches, because I know how much you hate them." He begins and I chuckle. So does everyone excluding Mrs. Rhode. Her dislike for me is still very much obvious and she's not lifting a finger to hide it.

"I know it's too early but, I don't know if anyone understands this  feeling. You know, that feeling that tells you it's time. That you've met the right person? Yes! That's exactly how I feel with you." He wipes a tear from his left eye and goes to the important part. "Will you marry me?" Initially I was confused when I saw the ring, but now, with his charming face and amazing voice, how can I even be confused. I don't know if we're both rushing things or if we're behaving like teenagers but I know I want to be with him forever. I get him off his knees and smile. "Yes!" I'm grinning with tears all over my face. I've completely ruined my makeup but to hell with it. Everyone claps and cheers us on. I wave my left hand at them flaunting my ring.

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