Part 29- A night to remember.

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Chapter twenty-nine

We're in Justin's house. He managed to convince me into ditching my friends. He was in a bad mood after the attitude his mother showed towards me. I texted my friends to let them know we're leaving early so that they don't worry.

"Why didn't you tell me about R&E?" I ask after we are in the comfort of his bedroom. Everyone is still at the party so obviously there's no one at home. He takes off his suit and throws it inside his walk in closet. I can tell how much the official look was suffocating him.

"When I met you, I thought you were this gold digging bitch who was following my dad for his money." He settles on the arm chair opposite his bed. " So I was kind of scared that if you knew about how rich my family is, that would be the only reason that will make you stay with me." He aches a brow. I'm just sitting on the bed listening to him silently.

"But after I got to know you better, I was scared again but not because you'll only be interested in my money. I just didn't want you to suffocate because of the attention my family has. If the press finds out about you, you won't have a minute to live the kind of life you love. Seeing you happy and carefree is everything and I don't want to snatch that away from you." He's absolutely right about that. It'll kill me to not be able to drink at any bar or club or even go out with my friends without having cameras flashing at me. I now understand why he hid it from me. I get up from the bed and move to him.

"No matter how crazy it gets, I'm never leaving you. I appreciate the fact that you tried protecting me from it but I'd have been happier if you had told me and not just surprise me like that. You should have made me handle things myself. At least, give me that leap of faith! Okay?"

"I'm sorry!" He pouts. He pulls me on his laps and starts kissing me. His kisses go wild and out of control. He has already taken off his tie so it makes it easier for me to unbutton his Shirt.

"Wait! Are you sure?" He ask when we stop kissing to catch our breath and I nod.

"You don't have to do this to prove anything to me."

"I wouldn't even do that. I'm doing this because I love you!" His eyes bug out. This is the first time I'm saying this to him. He picks me up in his arms and settles me on the bed. I help him remove his shirt and throw it somewhere. He unzips my dress and in no minute, it's also flying somewhere across the room. He's lying on top of me with his chest press against my breast. His lips are kissing every inch of my neck down to my stomach. We remove the last clothing that separates us. His head goes down on me and his hands are pressing my boobs. I clutch the bedsheet. I'm moaning so loudly that I thank God no one is at home. My hands are messing with his curly hair. His tongue is doing so many tingling things down there. He finally raises his head and fishes out a condom from his bedside drawer. He asks me if it's okay before proceeding to the very important part of it all. At this very moment, the world doesn't exist to me. In as much as it is painful because it's my first time, it's also very sweet. Justin is making everything smooth.

I guess the thing about doing it for the first time, doesn't matter how experienced you are. If the person you're doing it with, does it with so much love and affection, it makes you slip into an experienced zone. I don't tell him it is my first time because I want him to see the evidence.


I laugh my heart out as I'm being carried to the bathroom like a baby. According to Justin, a hot water bath is very necessary after sex. I'm still not used to sharing the same bathing space with someone so I'm a little shy. Isn't that funny? Me? Shy? But it's the truth. He makes sure we both a have a good hot water bath.

"Why didn't you tell me?. I'd have done things differently. I'd have taken it slow." He's unbraiding my wet hair so I can blow dry it.

"You made me feel comfortable and I didn't tell you because actions speak louder than words." I say and he laughs.

"Your action really spoke more  louder than words." I let out a loud laugh. I look into the dressing mirror and see him laughing too. He looks so good with his wet hair.

"You have long natural hair." He says whiles blow drying it and I nod. I look down at myself. I still have a towel wrapped around my chest. I turn to look at Justin and we both start laughing.  He suddenly takes his phone and messages someone. I hope with all my heart that he didn't just buy me another expensive dress again. After sometime there's a knock on the door. I run to hide in the bathroom and he starts laughing.

"Do you wear girl's clothes now?" I hear Ariana say with laughter. At least it's her and not his mother.

"Give me that and show yourself out." I peep to see Justin almost pushing her out the door.

"Kylie! Don't be shy! I heard all the screaming last night." She finally says roaring down with laughter. I slap my hand on my face. This is not happening. I'm happy it's Ariana who heard it and not James or Mrs. Julia.  It'd have been totally embarrassing.

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