Part 22- "I'm not obliged to tell you everything about my life."

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Chapter Twenty-Two

Sundays are meant for dressing up and looking nice. Most people will take that look to church but it's not my style. I usually take a nice long shower, then put on my best dress. For some reasons I've always loved looking good on Sundays, even when I have no where to go. But this particular Sunday is not part of those days where I want to look like Kim Kardashian or any of the Kardashian sisters. I'm still in my pajamas and haven't even gotten out of bed. I feel like someone has drugged me again but that's not possible because I haven't gone out in days. I check the time on my phone and it's already thirty minutes past 2pm.

"Should I say Good Morning or Good afternoon?" Sophie walks in with a cup of coffee in her hand. How sweet! I squeeze my eyes shut and open them immediately as if trying to wrestle the sleep off my eyes. I gently take the coffee from her and take a sip but I spit it out immediately. I make faces and look her in the eye.

"Is this the part where I get punished for waking up late? This coffee is so black and tasteless."

"Yeah! I made it specially for you. Coffee should be made according to a person's heart. Since your heart is black and bitter, this is what you deserve!" Obviously Sophie wouldn't do something like this, so it's coming from Christine. She's all dressed up in a short denim skirt and a blue black bodysuit.

"Wow! I haven't seen you in sneakers like forever!" Sophie exclaims with her eyes fixed on her Airmass sneaker. She ignores Christine and turns to me dramatically.

"What did I do to deserve this cold treatment? That too very early in the day." I whine and throw a pillow at her which she unsuccessfully ducks.

" I want you to get your sorry ass up and go and apologize to that man." Christine orders gesturing towards the door. Right! Spoiler alert! Justin is the reason I'm drowning myself in sleep. He's been avoiding me since my unsuccessful abduction. I wake up every morning and talk to my friends like nothing's happened but I think for the first time, I've failed miserably at it.

"You're shutting us out! Let us help you fix this." Sophie rolls her eyes at Christine's words. No! That's not good!

"See who's advising someone about 'opening up.' She scoffs. I know where her anger is coming from. I thought I was the most secretive but Christine keeps snatching that title from me. Last night Sophie and I saw her talking to a guy. We saw her through the balcony of my apartment. But as usual, she came in and pretended like nothing has happened so we didn't ask either.

"I'm not obliged to tell you everything about my life." Christine snaps, but it's not at me. It's at Sophie.

"Then she doesn't need to let you in, either." Sophie retaliates and storms out of the room. This is the last thing I need. Drama from my best friends. Aren't we too old to be bickering like teenagers? Let's forget about the bickering, I feel as guilty as hell. They both got into a fight because of me. Like I said before, I would never want to be the reason my friends get worried and much less get into a fight. I let my lazy self out of bed and walk to the bathroom. It's game time BITCHES!

Who would have thought that I'd be back at James' mansion. I vowed never to step foot here but here I am, standing right in front of their 'almighty' gate. My facial ID isn't registered and Justin isn't answering any of my calls so I'm left outside in the scorching sun. A car honks at me. I crane my neck to see who's in but unfortunately the tinted windows are rolled up.

"Hello Miss! Are you looking for someone?" He finally rolls down the window and I'm able to see him. His skin color is as bright as Justin's. They have the same curly hair.. Holy shit!

"Christine?" Am I hallucinating or I just need to have my eyes checked? I haven't touched alcohol in a long time, I'd have totally blame this on it. I take a step closer and hell Yes! It's Christine! My best friend is sitting at the front seat with a guy who I assume is Justin's brother.

"Are you kidding me? girl!" She's scratching the back of her neck nervously. She signals me to get in without even asking for permission.

"You wouldn't mind right?" She ask and I laugh. She's already ushered me in so the poor guy doesn't have much of a choice than to agree.

"Do you mind explaining this to me?" I say pointing at the two of them. She turn to me and drops her voice so low.

"Do you mind if I also explain this later?" She grits her teeth. I throw my hands in the air as in to surrender to her demand.

"So are you Justin's new fling?"I don't reply but I see Christine punch him in the shoulder. He then sticks his tongue out like he's said something which he wasn't suppose to say. We're already in the house when he says this. I see Ariana watching TV in the living room and I to run to her. I slap my hand over her mouth to prevent her from shouting. I don't want Justin to know I'm around so I ask for her to show me his room. She draws away from me and rubs her left hand on her right arm.

"I don't think that's a good idea." She cringes. Ever since we started going out, Justin and I haven't been to his house yet so that explains why I don't have any clue where his room is. I'm about to plead when Justin's brother whom I've gotten to know as Jeremiah, offers to take me.

Do you remember I said I'll never fight with another woman over a man, well yeah! I think I'm about to break that. Laura is in a white towel dressing up in Justin's room. Her back is facing me so she doesn't see when I enter. I'm gathering all the self control left in me before I pull off her wig from her head. But of course! I won't do that. The last thing I want to do is create a scene in his parent's house. That to with his siblings downstairs. It's a good thing I have class and high morals because all I can think of doing is leave.

"Kylie...Kylie!" Finally his voice comes through. He has a towel wrapped around his waist. Gosh! If I wasn't so pissed right now, I'd totally plaster his whole body with kisses. Focus Kylie!

"Fuck! What're you doing in here?"

"What? I am standing in your room with a naked woman in your bed and this is all you can say? You're such a jerk!

"I'm not referring to you." He grabs Laura by the hand and throws her out closing the door way too loudly behind him. I can't forget that smug smile on her face. She has totally gotten into my head.

"Is this what you were so busy with? Were you that busy that you couldn't even answer your phone and tell me 'hey! I'm fucking Laura in my room so why don't you go suck someone else's balls'. Couldn't you do that much?"I say mimicking his voice. There's so much hurt and disappointment in my voice and eyes but my voice is calm. I don't want those downstairs to hear us arguing.

"I didn't do anything with her!" His voice is soft.

"And I'm suppose to believe that? Like the idiot that you see me to be? You switched up on me and haven't answered any of my calls or replied any of my messages. And you expect me to believe you?"

" You don't have any reason to be angry."He's almost trying so hard not to shout at me when he says this. He looks deep into my eyes. I rest my hands on my hip as I wait for whatever bomb he has to drop.

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