Part 13- The Rhodes again?

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Chapter Thirteen

The scent in the club hits me and it's accompanied by a sweet and warming hug from my two amazing best friends. Oh God! I'm so lucky to have them. Brian is smiling at me from the corner and I manage to wave him despite the tight hug I'm engulfed in. After meeting Mrs. Rhode and clearing the misunderstandings, I went straight home ignoring the two dummies staring down at me. I wasn't actually out of earshot so I heard them saying how much I've changed. Their comment about my life doesn't make any sense to me. I took a long bath after i got home and slept for sometime before heading to the club. It felt good to wear my work attire after a long time.

The club isn't really busy on Tuesdays so I get time to talk to the girls about everything that has happen during the past few days on my 'adventure'. Sophie isn't really being too matured about the whole thing but I'm cutting her some slack because she has a sweet and innocent face, no one will ever see her as someone who can steals another woman's husband. All she can think about is  asking me  how it was spending three days with Mr. impeccable. That's how she calls Justin. She's being more of Justin's friend than mine. Christine on the other hand is distracted. She's staring into blank space and I'm not even sure she has heard any of the things I said. I tap her roughly on the shoulder and she looks at us, startled.

"Where's your head at?" She wrinkles her nose and pulls her shoulders back. That's not good. She's switching back to ' I am confident and don't need no help' mood and it's freaking me out. Something's definitely wrong with her but we need to respect the girl code. She'll tell us when she's ready. No need to pressurize her.

" am I not being too lenient with you girls?" Brian is standing behind us with his hand behind his back. He's battery is on, 'manager mode' so he's not being our friend right now. We give him that respect and take our respective position. I'm taking orders from few customers, Sophie is clearing the tables and Christine is mixing drinks. She makes excellent cocktails. That's her specialty but she does the usuals like what Sophie and I are doing when it's her time to do it.

" Please do you have Smirnoff?" Someone shouts at me from another table. It's a female voice and it's so damn familiar. I never forget how someone sounds like or how they even smell like. I excuse myself from the table where I'm done serving their drinks and head to the direction of the voice . I stop dead in my track when I come face to face with the figure sitting there. She's wearing a brown wig with a really high heels which is making her look older and taller than her age. My hands drop off to my body and I pass my hand on my forehead dropping it down to cover my lips. She's smiling nervously at me like she is not  expecting to see me here.

" Ariana? What're you doing here?" I fold my arms as I stare  intensely at her. I want answers and she better give it to me now.

"Your job is to bring us whatever we order right?" A boy more or less the same age as Ariana and the other girl with them snap at me. I turn my graze to him and he shuts up immediately. If there's something I'm good at, it's making people feel intimidated by my look. How on earth did George and his colleague let these children in here? From the look of things I don't think I can ever, completely cut ties with James and his family. Ever!

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