Part 28

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Chapter Twenty-eight

     My nerves are acting up and I'm about to have a heart attack.

"Calm down!" Sophie wraps her right hand over my shoulder.

"He's just introducing you to his family. It's nothing scary and besides you've already met them." Christine chirps. I know I've already met them and I also know James will be more than happy to find out about our relationship. It's the same for Ariana. Jeremiah is not even a problem. My only problem is their mom. Mrs. Rhode. She scares me to the core.

Justin has invited us to an event  that his family is organizing. We've spent the last few days looking for outfits online. Sophie and Christine have found something that perfectly matches their style. I'm the last killer standing. I've been picky about all the outfits that they've shown to me. 

"This red will look good on you." Sophie suggests without showing me what the dress looks like. I get up from the sofa to have a look at it when the buzzer suddenly goes off. And since I'm closer to the door, I go see who it is. It's a delivery man holding a huge rectangular box in his hand. I take it from him and sign whatever papers he gives me.

"Who do you think sent this?" I ask with a furrowed brow. I unwrap the wrappers and take out the card attached to it. It's from Justin. I should be happy he bought me a dress but I'm not. I don't like him buying things for me. I exhale loudly and settle on the couch.

"Oh my God! This is the same dress I saw online!" Sophie exclaims  with her eyes bugged out. I lean in to her to have a close look. My mouth drop open when I notice the price.


We arrive just in time before the event starts. I look around only to find a bunch of reporters around the whole place. Justin told me it was a family event and it was going to be family and employees from their company. What is going on?

"Your boyfriend is so dead!" Christine says under her breath.

"I know!" I whisper in reply. It's very obvious Christine and I don't like the attention and the extravagancy around but Sophie, she's enjoying every bit of it. She's addicted to the camera like how Kim Kardashian is addicted to fame.

"Hey!" Alex waves at us from inside. He and Justin have become very good friends. Sophie nearly runs to him. He's looking really nice but I don't have time to admire him because my Prince Charming just came into the scene. I know all the men are in black suits but I can't help admiring Justin. I run into his arms but he doesn't reciprocate the hug. He's stiff and reserved.

"What's going on? Is everything okay?"

"Yes! There are so many reporters here and I don't want them to have something to talk about." I move away from him slowly.

"You're not Jay Z for the camera to go wild because of your presence or...." I want to run my hands through my hair but I can't. My wig has been tired in a beautiful bun and doing that will ruin it. I look at Justin but he looks down.

"R&E?" I ask in an unsteady voice. He nods without meeting my gaze. He clenches his jaw and even have the nerve to push his hand inside his pocket. We walk pass  numerous people and we smile forcefully at all of them.

"You look beautiful!"He Compliments once we're in a quiet corner. I'm wearing the red  backless gown that he sent. I left my friends with their respective partners so I don't need to worry about Sophie getting drunk. But looking at how things are going, I might end up getting drunk. I want to shout at him for hiding such an important detail about his background from me but I can't. I don't want to ruin my evening nor that of my friend's.

"Kylie!" Ariana runs to me beaming with delight. I hug her with a huge smile. It's always a delight to meet her. She's the only dark skinned in the family with big black round eyes, just like me. My smile disappear when James and his wife approach us. The woman is a damn goddess! No wonder her children are so beautiful. She's wearing a shiny black strapless evening gown. Justin puts his arm around me protectively when his parents get close . I think deep down he knows his mom can be mean sometimes.

"Kylie! How nice to meet you again." I didn't know she remembers my name but far from it, I can hear the sarcasm in her voice.

"Mom! Meet Kylie, my girlfriend." He doesn't even wait for his father to exchange pleasantries with me. I feel some butterflies in my stomach. I've always wanted someone to look at me and treat me the way Justin does. I'm still mad at him though!.

"That's great! I'm happy for you. Kylie is a good person. An extremely amazing person an...."

"Yes Justin! It's finally nice to have another woman in the family who isn't over protective." Ariana interjects her father. There's so much excitement in her voice.

"Of course she's very much good for you. Until you leave her here and move to Australia just like how you do with all the girls you date here." She sneers.

"Julia!" James calls out propelling her to stop.

"I'm not leaving for Australia anytime soon and if I do, I'll take her along with me. So leave me alone and try changing your attitude for dad." Ouch! That hurts. He drags me along with him angrily. He's dropped two bombs on me today but I don't dare ask him because he seems too angry. He wasn't that angry when my mom and aunt asked him to slow down his accent because they couldn't hear him. Or when my cousin was snooping around. Or when my mother bluntly asked him if he was going to fly off and leave me alone in Ghana. That was pretty much the same thing his mother said? Or?

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