Part 16

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Chapter Sixteen

Talk of the devil and he appears. Brian is standing at the entrance and from what I can see, he's arguing with someone. Sophie tries to stop me when I walk over to have a closer look.

"You have just few days to sign those papers or you won't like us." I can't see the person but I do recognize the voice. I hurry back to the counter to avoid being seen.



"Do you remember those two men in black suit who were here sometime ago?"

"No I don't! So many people come here, how do you expect me to remember all of them?" Who am I trying to talk to? Sophie? She's definitely not the best candidate for serious discussions.

" Christine? How about you?" I knit my brows.

" i remember them. The short bearded one nearly grabbed my butt the last time. How can I ever forget them. I nearly punched him in the face. He's lucky Brian came on time and shoved them into his office."I gasp so does Sophie.

" I don't know why, but they give me a bad vibe. I don't like them. I have this nagging feeling that something's not right. I have to find out." My friends look askance at me.

" I think you should stay out of it. If Brian is not telling us then he wants to handle it himself." Christine reasons. I furrow my eyebrows. I know what they mean but I don't plan on backing out either. 

" Hey! Bring us three bottles of beer." a not so pleasant voice yells at us from where James use to sit. We three turn to them and screw up our faces.  Christine is mixing cocktails and Sophie's shift is from 10pm, so I guess I'll have to attend to them. Holding three bottles of bear in a bear rack, I head to their table.

"Here you go." After serving them, I raise my head and smile like I do to all customers. Suddenly my lips are stuck. The smile is not wiping off neither is it being pleasant.

"Oh.. my.. God!.. Mi.. Mica?" Jenny stutters looking me over critically. I look away only for my eyes to land on Justin. I hate myself for serving them. How could I not see them? But of course I can't see them because every club is dark, and you can only see someone once the rolling mirror or disco ball lands on their face. I don't know why but my heart starts arching immediately I see Laura's hands all over him. So Justin is the one who was Kissing my ex best friend like he wants to rip her off her clothes?.

"Oh and I noticed your tattoo!" Laura says staring down at me. She's obviously watching my outfit. Justin is quiet. He's not looking me in the eye. His eyes are fixed on the table and I don't know why. Is he embarrassed?

" Who would have thought that 'little miss perfect' would end up as a club waitress? The girl who was always preaching about how much it pays to dress decently, is now wearing something that I would never even wear in my own house." Laura is definitely exaggerating. My skirt is not that short. My arms are folded whiles I'm taking in their insult. There's no lie in whatsoever they're saying. Years ago, I was very decent. I would never wear dresses or blouses that would expose even a small part of my breast. And whenever I wear a skirt as short as the one I'm wearing now, I would throw a leggings under it. And I would chastise both of them for exposing too much skin.

"What can I say? Sometimes life makes you a bitch when you least expect it." This reply is obviously coming from me. Justin is still not saying anything. His eyes are fixed on the same spot.

"You've changed so much that you even have tattoos now?. Does your mom know you work in a club?" Jenny sneers at me.

"Does your mom know you drink at a pub and have sex with random men for money? Because the last time I checked, your mom and grandma are two times stricter than mine." it feels so good to retaliate to assholes like them. I can see Justin smiling but his head is bent down so the others can't see. Jenny and Laura are so surprised that I talked back at them.

" Close your mouth! I heard there are large cockroaches around. You wouldn't want one to get into your mouth." I smile almost too much and too normal for a smile. Of course it has to be like that, because it's FAKE!. And Oh! My! Good days! The feeling that comes with retaliating is impeccable. I feel fireworks around me.

"I told you it was a bad idea to come here." Justin says before I'm out of earshot.

"I don't know what happened there but I'm so proud of you hun." Sophie says throwing me in a hug. I guess my facial expression and the smirk I had on  said it all. I didn't have to tell them what transpired.

" Customer is always right Kylie!" Brian is glowering at me like I did something wrong.

"So I should let people talk to me anyhow?" I snap back forgetting he's my boss. He rolls his eyes at me like I'm being dramatic and walks away.

"What's wrong with him?" We all ask in unison .

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