Part 31

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Chapter Thirty-one

I'm staring blankly at Mrs. Rhode. She's found the perfect opportunity to corner me. Justin is talking with his grandparents via Skype and my friends are doing their own flirting with their partners. I look over at Brian and he's getting pretty along with Ariana. I'm so glad Jenny and Laura couldn't attend because they also had to be with their parents. But right now, they're the least of my concern.

"How much do you want in order to leave my son alone?" My head shoots up from the ground where I've been staring at for minutes to avoid locking eyes with her.

"Excuse me?" I screw up my face.

"You heard me! How much do you need to leave my son alone?" I scoff and look over at Justin. He's laughing. An infectious smile for that matter. I'm happy he's happy and I feel so bad about what I'm coming to do. This should be an interesting conversation. I don't mean to cause any hatred between mother and son but Justin needs to see how much his mother dislikes me. I put my phone on recording.

"How about you transfer all your assets to my name? How about you name me the sole owner of R&E? Would you do that?" I slump back in my seat and stare straight at her.

"I knew it! You're a gold digger! How I wish my son will see you for who you're." She hits her hand on the table but the music is a bit loud so no one hears it.

I let out a bitter laugh. " You don't get it? Do you? Even if you are to give me all this." I gesture my hand towards the house and the things around. " I'll never trade Justin or anyone else in my life for it. I am not a materialistic person. I've been broke, I've been hungry and I've been hurt so what makes you think I'll trade anyone in my life for money? Much less Justin? He's more than all what you have. I'm sorry you don't like me. I'm sorry that I'm not Laura. I'm sorry your son fell in love with a girl like me. I'm sorry for making you believe it was my fault that your marriage nearly fell on rocks, but it's not my fault."

"Babe! Granny wants to say hello." Justin calls out to me with a huge smile.

"You see that smile, it means so much to me and I'd never trade it for all your wealth. So if you'll excuse me!" I get up proudly and walk to Justin. I decide not to tell him anything because I don't want to be the reason he disrespects his mom and ruins my birthday.

I've spoken to the older couple who happens to be Justin's grandparents and I must say, I like them. They're amazingly funny. An exact photocopy of James.

After the party, I pack my gifts with my friends and head out to pick a taxi when James hands me a key to a car. I rush outside only to find a latest black SUV with ribbons decorating it.

"I..I. Can..I can't...."

" it's not from me. My parents sent this. They've been planning this since they found out about you and Justin. Only they and I knew about his proposal." James gathers me in a hug throwing the embarrassing look on my face inside the trash can. I can see Julia mutter something under a breath but I don't mind. It's not like I can let them ship back a car that took weeks to get here. Can I? I don't think so! And rejecting it will be totally disrespectful to James and his family. I shrug and go with the flow.


I throw my tired body on the couch immediately I enter my apartment. I slept throughout the whole drive back home. Julia wanted to have a talk with Justin so he couldn't drop us home. Christine and Sophie ditched their boyfriends to ride in my new Car which I want to return. Sophie was bugging me to let her have the first drive but I had to turn it to Christine because She was drunk.

I'm not even out of my dress when I hear a loud knock on the door. It's so loud that Christine and Sophie rush out of their rooms to find out who it is. I'm wondering why the person is not even using the buzzer. I check the time on the clock and it's almost 12am. The only thought that is running through my mind is if thieves have found their way to us because of the car. And I'm so sure it's the same thought that is running through Christine's mind because she's gotten hold of a butcher's knife. Sophie is hiding behind me. When we don't open, I see the handle of the door turn. We all heave a big sigh of relief when Justin walks in.

He doesn't even give me time to react when he grabs me by the waist and kisses me forcefully. The kiss is so rough that I feel my lips hurting. I push him away and look at my friends. Their mouths drop open in surprise.

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