Part 19

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Chapter Nineteen

I don't know what I feel for Justin. I've never had time to think about love or think of someone who'd come into my life and sweep me off my feet. He's everything that I've ever wanted in a guy but I can't help but build this huge wall between us. In as much as I fantasize about having a beautiful love story like the one Sophie and Alex share, I'm also a bit cautious. I wouldn't want to waste my life around someone who sees me for my body and not who I am as a person. When I look at Justin, I see someone who's just looking for sexual pleasure and nothing serious. So it's hard for me to let loose around him. If I say I'm not enjoying whatever he's doing to me right now, then I'd be lying. I love every bit of it but I have to pull away from him. I don't want to be his other 'hook up' girl when Laura is not around.

"So, how long have you been living in the states?" I ask after getting away from his grip. I don't look at his face but I can imagine the disappointed look he's wearing.

"I've stayed there all my life. I was in London with my grandparents. My grandpa is British so I stayed with them whiles schooling." He's looking straight into my eyes while holding a bottle of water. It kind of makes sense where his accent is coming from.

"But after high school, I applied for college in Australia and that's where I've been for the last four years. After that, I stayed there to manage one of our companies." He continues.

"It seems your life was planned out before  you were born." I say with a chuckle. He smiles back.

"You can say it like that! How about you? Have you not seen your family after you left?" I can see the sincerity in his eyes as he asks this. I understand what he's getting at. He wants us to get to know each other better. I don't fight his efforts so I let loose and we talk deep into the night. He tells me more about himself and how detached he has  been from his family. He didn't even know his parents were having problems until that night. He says, he only got to visit his parents during Christmas with his grandparents. And sometimes too his mother would come for a visit with Ariana. James was not on the visiting list because he was the one running the companies they have here. He doesn't mention what kind of company and I don't ask either.

He asks me about my family and if I've tried to get in touch with them. I left home after my mom got married so I don't have a guilty conscience that will bug me about leaving my mother all alone. She's adjusting well into her married life and I'm sure she's even forgotten about me. I tell him about my encounter with one of my cousins few days after I left home. Marcus had told me my mom was looking for me and she was angry at the same time. He pleaded with me to go home but I refused. I made him promise to not tell anyone he saw me. He only agreed to do that on the condition that I call my mother to let her know I was okay. And I did that. At first, she had tried to yell at me to come back home but when she realized I wasn't going to give in, she calmed her voice and tried to reason with me. After failing on all her attempt, she then told me to take care. And that was it. I never called her again.

Our conversation is interrupted by the buzzer. I check the time on my phone and I'm surprised at how late it is. I rise from the Sofa when I see the person standing at the doorway. Looking at Justin's posture, he's restraining her from entering. I scoff loudly. I can't explain why but there is this hurt emotion running through my veins. If he was expecting her here then why did he let me in? So I look like the cheap prostitute he brought in as a replacement for Laura? My face has hardened. I no longer have the smile I had on, minutes ago.

"You have company. I think I should leave." I say in a stern voice as I try to walk pass him and Laura.

"So she's the bitch you're ditching me for?" The only reason I'm not punching  her in the face for using that word on me is because, Justin is in front of me. He's still blocking her entry and my exit. With all the strength in me, I push Justin aside and walk out the door but not after giving Laura what she deserves.

"And you're not a bitch? A bitch is an understatement of what you're. The girl who walks into a hotel in the middle of the night to get fucked by a man? What is she, if not a slut?" I raise my eyebrow and allow a smirk to escape my lips. I'm a strong believer of women empowerment. That a woman can do anything and I don't even want to be in the place where I'll have to fight with a fellow woman to get a man. I'm so classy for that and I don't plan on getting my hands dirty for that. I storm out of there but I can feel someone closely behind me. Trying to catch up with me. I'm walking as fast as my legs can carry me and fortunately for me, I'm still in my neighborhood. I don't let whoever is following me catch up with me because I'm already in my apartment building. It a good thing you'll need permission to go up.

Christine has gone to bed and Sophie is Skyping with Alex.

"Hey Alex!" I wave him with a smile and head to the bedroom. If there's one thing I'm good at, it's hiding my emotions. I would never let my mood affect my friends enough to keep them up worrying about me. No one can see through me unless I want them to. I sneak myself into the duvet and hug Christine from behind. This is all I need to have a goodnight sleep. And just like that, Justin is out of my head with the nights incident well forgotten. I knew he was the one running so fast to catch up with me. That explains why his hands were all over me when I got there. He had booked Laura up for a hot section and he was waiting up for her. Who knows! He might had gone out to buy condoms when I saw him. I move away from Christine and burry my face in my pillow in disgust.

"The last thing I want to do, is let you get inside my head. So, Get out!" I didn't know I was yelling until Sophie pops her head into the bedroom.

"Who should get out? is someone occupying the space in your head?" I laugh at her silly mockery techniques and pass out.

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