Part-14 "Hey! You're hurting her."

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Chapter Fourteen

"So do you want to me to call your dad or your mom?" I ask. At this point, we're talking privately away from her friends because I obviously don't want to embarrass her. I notice Sophie and Christine staring at me from where they're working. I give them a thumbs up that everything is fine. I definitely don't have it under control because it's not funny that I keep running into The Rhode Evans wherever I go. Ariana's head is fixed on the ground and she bitting her nails nervously.

"I..I want you to call Justin instead. I mean the last thing I want is to add more problems to my parents' than they already have." I nod. I tell her to wait for me while I go get my phone.

"Number." I ask with my head buried in my phone. When no response comes from her, I raise my head to find her staring at me. I shrug

" What? Give me his number."

" I thought you had it. The last time I saw you, you were wearing my brother's clothes so it's hard to believe you don't have his number." God! The Rhodes are definitely hard to handle. This girl standing in front of me, is no longer nervous. She's looking at me mockingly with a stupid smile planted on her face. I rest my free hand on my hip and say to her."You're not doing this with me". I actually want to laugh but I can't. I have to be stern but the face she's making is so damn funny. After whining for sometimes she finally gives me the number and I call him.

"What? Your brought my sister to a club? Are you fucking kidding me?" Is he dumb or he's just pretending to be? I just told him his fifteen year old sister snuck herself into an 18+ club and he can do is to blame me. What a jerk!

"Either you come pick her up or I make the bouncers throw her out! You choose." I say angrily and hang up on him. It is after I hang up that I notice the surprise look on Ariana's face. Her friends are also staring at me. I look around and find my friends gaze still fixed on me. Oh no! Was I shouting? I'm not sure Sophie and Christine heard because the music is loud and they're quite far from us but I'm definitely sure those kids heard me. And they're scared as hell. I smile goofily at them.

" No! I didn't mean that" I say and they heave a sigh of relief.

It doesn't take him more than thirty minutes to get to the clubhouse. He's wearing a tattered denim short over a black t-shirt. We're waiting outside because I didn't think it was appropriate for them to still stay inside. He shuts the door of his car noisily and grabs Ariana by the arm. It's almost too rough that I can hear the poor girl scream. Her other two friends look like they want to pee in their pants. In as much as Justin is handsome, he's also very intimidating.

"Hey! You're hurting her." I yell so loud making sure he's heard me. At this point Ariana is sitting at the front seat and she's shivering. Her friends are at the back seat with their head buried down. After making sure they're safe in his car, he then turns to me.

" What were you thinking when you snuck them in here? Are you crazy?"

"Yeah! I must be really crazy for calling you to come get her. Why would I sneak her in and later call you to come pick her up? What do you think I am? A clown?" I don't even wait for him to reply me nor do I take in whatever facial expression he has on. I just tell George to take care of him. I enter the club not caring what goes down with him. I trust George to take care of people who come here just to mistreat and disrespect us. And Justin, is no exception. I'm greeted by curious stares from both Sophie and Christine as I take a seat on one of the barstools.

"What?" I glower at them.

"It's not our fault you had a fight with Mr. impeccable an..."

"Oh God! He makes me so mad!" I hit my hand on the counter almost frightening them. I notice my action and apologize immediately. It's not their fault I'm in a zombie land with no escape route. Yes! That's what those Rhodes are! Zombies. They show up everywhere and mess up my peaceful life.

"Maybe he's still mad at you for kicking him out of the bedroom the last time." why don't they ever take me seriously? They're suffocating me and I need a break from them ASAP. How can he be angry?

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