Part 11- Familiar.

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Chapter Eleven

That time in life when unexpected things happen and you suddenly have no power to even stop them from happening, I've travelled in time to experience something like that. What was meant to be a few days 'lay low' trip has extended into something else. After my emotional outburst, things have changed drastically between Justin and I. We had a talk the next morning and he listened attentively to me while I explained the current situation at hand to him. I told him everything starting from how his father and I became friends to how I became a shoulder for him to lean on. I was finally able to clear the air and you can't imagine how sorry he felt for being a jerk to me. His remorse was inexplainable but I told him not to worry. In as much as I have an unforgiving heart, I can't blame him for thinking like that. Anyone in his position would have assumed that too. He didn't have to beat himself up about it. I still don't know where we are but the network came back and I've already called my friends. I assured them I was doing okay and they needn't worry about me.

I pull myself in an oversize t-shirt. Those are the only clothes available at the moment. They belongs to Justin because he prepared himself really well for this. It feels like he knew exactly what would happen and I haven't even bothered to ask him anything about it. By this time I'm sure his mother's anger is not as blazing as three days ago when we left so we can go back and explain the whole situation to her. But for some reason we keep on postponing our departure. We're warming up to each other and I honestly don't like how things are going.

" How come you have clothes to wear ? Did you plan all this?" I squint my eyes. He's sitting in the living room watching tv. I check the time on the wall clock and it's thirty minutes past eight in the evening.

" Not really. I always keep clothes in my car." he replies not taking his eyes of the television. I settle beside him on the couch and take the remote from him.

"In case of emergencies." he adds, snatching the remote back and turning his attention to the screen.

" for emergencies like, when you have sex with a girl in your car and you don't want to go back home smelling like a woman?" He turns his attention to me and chuckles.

" Have we gotten to the stage where we ask each other personal questions?" I hide my face in one of the cushions feeling slightly embarrassed.

" Of all the jobs in Accra, why did you choose to work in a place like that?" And there goes Mr.douche bag, being all judgmental again. This time his look is tender, as if he really wants to know me more. I walk over to the minibar and grab a bottle of whisky for myself. He joins me there and pours himself a glass. He's looking at me like he wants answers. I'll answer him but I need courage to talk about such detailed information about my life. After sipping three classes of whisky down my throat, I begin.

" I needed a lot of money to survive. A lot of it. I had ran away from home, broke and without a place to stay. Then I met Brian: the owner of the clubhouse . He gave me a place to stay and in return I decided to work for him." I purse my lips and nod. Holding a bottle in my hand. I don't let him ask the next question. I just continue.

" I didn't really feel so useful back at home. I was being emotionally abused so I fled before I could take my own life." I have tears in my eyes. I don't know why I'm being so weak when he's looking at me with those beautiful brown eyes. He touches my hand and squeezes it gently. I appreciate the gesture. I try getting up but I stumble and he catches me before I fall. His hands are on my hip. The black t-shirt I'm wearing is very short and I'm not wearing any underwear. He's looking into my eyes and I can feel him pull me closer. The t-shirt has folded up and almost revealing my butt. He's looking hungrily at me but he turns his eyes away immediately. I'm not very drunk so I know he's helping me climb to my bedroom. He tugs me in bed and pulls the blanket over my body. He's about to leave when I grab his hand.

" Don't leave!" I mumble. Patting the space beside me, I signal him to sleep. For some odd reason, he smiles. He takes off his shirt revealing his muscled chest. I pull myself backwards and cuddle. My back is facing him. He pulls me closer.

"We're leaving tomorrow." his voice is serious. My eyes are closed and I'm sleepy but I can't help but wonder if he's angry at me for getting drunk or for forcing him into my bed. Instinct guides me and I pull away from him. I'm just giving him the impression he's always had about me. That thought of me being a whore is still planted somewhere in his mind and doing this is only proving his point. All of a sudden I'm not drunk anymore. I get up from the bed and he's looking at me like he's said something wrong. He hasn't but I'm just doing what I have to do.

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