Part 27- Family.

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Chapter Twenty-seven

     When I was in Sunday school, there was this song we use to sing. It was  basically about humbling yourself before the Lord. And when you do that, He will lift you high. So I guess God has given me my reward. He has lifted me high in front of my judgmental family members. I feel on top of the world right now. Having a red Ferrari drop me off is more than enough to send them flying out in their seats.

Justin packs right in front of my mom's husband's house. All I have to do is get myself out of the car but all of a sudden, My palms are sweaty and my legs are shivering. It's a good thing I'm still seated in the car or else I'd break my six inches heel together with my leg.

"Get out!"

"Huh? What do you mean?"

"I mean it! Get out Kylie!"

"Is this  one of those horror movies where, the girl gets in an argument with her boyfriend then she gets kicked out of his car, Then she's left wandering alone on the street. Oh no! Please no!" I whine shutting my eyes tightly.

"Stop being such a baby in diapers!" How dare he throw me out of his car and then use my own phrases against me. I don't even notice him get out of the car. He has opened the door and is waiting for me to get out. I sigh! He moves forward and plant a soft kiss on my lips. It's feels like he's assuring me that he'll be there to hold me should my knees give up on me. Who can ever be afraid if they're with Justin? I square my shoulders and hold on to his hand as he helps me out of the car.

As I enter the house that I run away from three years ago, I can't help but reminisce all that happened the night I run away. My own mother asked me to leave her house, just because I had refused to take up a nursing course.

"If you don't want to do what someone is using their pocket money to pay for, and you want to waste your life, then don't do it on my account and in my house. You're old enough to take care of yourself. I didn't waste my money on you all these years for you to turn out as an embarrassment to me. You're the only useless person in our family." Those were her exact words that night. Can anyone ever forget such words? That too coming from their mother? I don't think so! After she went to bed that night, I packed the little stuffs I had bought for myself and snuck out quietly. With every word of hers, still haunting me.

And now that I'm back in that same house, everything is resurfacing. I'm surprised to find one of my aunts there. I'm greeted by one of my cousins. The one whom I was always compared to by both my mother and her mother. She was always better than me and I was always looked down upon.

The reason we drove all the way to spintex is thrown into the dustbin and everyone is suddenly bombarding Justin with questions. My mom is happy to know I have a 'rich boyfriend'. She has always wanted that. The kind of respect I'm being treated with makes me love how good I've handled myself since I left home. I'm sure my aunt is swallowing her words right now. The ones that clearly stated "She'll come running to you when she runs out of money."

"So? You're sick?" I ask turning their attention away from Justin.

"Yes! But I'm okay now. I just hit my leg on something and it got swollen." I knew it wasn't anything serious. She just emotionally blackmailed me through Marcus to get me here. I don't see her husband around. He must be at work. It's a Wednesday morning.

It turns out she wanted to see me, to talk, to see how I am doing. I appreciate that but right now I couldn't care less. I'm only being treated nicely because I came with an extremely handsome boyfriend who's rich in addition.

"You said your name is Justin Rhode Evans?" Priscilla, my cousin asks pointing at Justin and he nods.

"Rhode Evans? as in R&E Group?" I turn my attention to Justin. He seems tensed all of a sudden. It's really a bad thing to be light skinned. He's turning red in the face and I don't know why.

"R&E?" He chuckles nervously. "I don't know what that is."

"So where did you guys meet? I mean, Justin is definitely not from here." My mom asks.

"He's from here! He just didn't stay here!" I reply with a straight face.

"Since the interrogation is over, can we leave?" I get up straightening the end of my dress. My mom seems disappointed but she doesn't force me. I know she's trying to make amends but it'll take time. You don't do people wrong and expect things to go back to normal with just an 'apology'. Justin stands up and leads the way.

"We'll see you again right? Mica? I heard you change your name. To Kylie." That's from my aunt. My ever immaculate aunty. The one who ruins everyone's good mood. I recently saw Priscilla follow me on TikTok so I'm not surprised she knows. And I'm also sure big mouth Marcus told them.

"Of course aunty!" I reply with a forced smile.

"So, are we good?" My mom says with her arms opened. I hesitate for a while before getting into her embrace.  It's the most uncomfortable hug I've ever received. The last time I remember hugging her was when I was four. Those were the times I'd run to her whenever she gets back home from work or from our hometown.

"So are you two going to get married or he's going to leave you here." I thought my mom was making amends so why this question?

"Or... it's just a fling." Priscilla sneers at us. I'm totally fine with them antagonizing me but not Justin. He looks so uncomfortable and so do I. He grabs my hand and pulls me close.

"Wherever I go, she will go with me." I look at him and smile lovingly.

"Thank you 'Mom' for making this reunion so 'memorable'." Justin waves them politely and we leave.

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