Chapter 2

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     a few days had passed, and you were in class waiting for the bell to ring for lunch.

you were currently seeing how many highlighters you could balance on your desk; so far it was five.

as you were carefully stacking the sixth one, they all toppled over and made a loud series of tapping noises against your desk.

you put your hands on your lap, slowly turning your head to the teacher as all eyes were now on you.

"y/-" before the teacher could finish addressing you, one of the highlighters rolled off the desk and made another noise.

quiet laughter filled the room, as everyone in the class was expecting nothing more from you.

you were friendly and well-liked throughout the school, so however annoying your shenanigans may seem they always made people laugh.

you teacher waited until the laughter subsided, and started talking to you again.

"y/n, just, stop making distractions. sit on your hands if you have to, just pay attention."

you made a motion across your lips with your pointer finger and thumb, imitating a zipper closing.

just as the teacher was about to resume his lesson, the bell rang, signalling lunch.

he sighed heavily and plopped down at his desk, tired of teaching.

you cleaned up the highlighters, and joined your friends in the hallway. your friend, Haru, who was in the class, started telling your other friends what happened.

"i swear, our teacher looked like he was ready to murder y/n!" she laughed, along with you and your group.

after that, you all decided to walk around and go to a park for lunch.

as you got there, you spotted Mikey and Draken on the swings with a few other people around them.

Mikey quickly spotted you, and called out across the park.

"yo, y/n! long time no see!" he exclaimed, and you smiled while walking over to him.

before you could take a few steps, Akani grabbed your wrist, causing you to turn to him.

"do you know those guys?" he asked warily. you just nodded your head, giving him a confused look.

"apparently they're gang members. i've heard rumours about them. you should just stay away from them." he said, worry evident in his tone.

you were surprised, to say the least. how could such nice guys be apart of a gang? although, their looks do support that rumour.

you gave Akani a reassuring smile, before saying, "i know them, and even if they are in a gang, they're nice. don't worry, it'll be okay." after hearing your words, he hesitantly let go of your wrist.

you let the rest of your group know that you'd be back soon, as you wanted to say hi to your other friends.

you walked over to Mikey and his group, receiving confused looks from the rest other than Draken.

"hey Mikey, Draken. how ya doin?" you asked, grinning lazily.

"good good." Mikey responded, and Draken nodded in agreement.

"yo, who's this?" a boy with long black hair turned to Mikey, asking about you.

"oh, she's someone me and Draken met a few days ago. she's our new friend!" he said proudly, which made you chuckle.

"nice to meet you guys, im y/n." you greeted, and they all shot you a smile.

the black haired boy then spoke up, "i'm Baji. nice to meet you too."

the rest of the group introduced themselves, and you had now become acquainted to Baji, Nahoya, Souya, and Chifuyu.

you conversed with everyone, sharing friendly small talk.

"i like her." Nahoya said to the group, and you smirked at his words. "well, glad to know i'm accepted into the group." you said, making them all smile and agree.

after a few minutes had passed, you saw someone walking up to the group while carrying some drinks.

"sorry guys, they only had Coke so i just got those for us."

as you turned your attention to the added person, you quickly recognized who he was.

"Mitsuya?" you asked, and he turned his attention to you.

he smiled widely, happy to see you again after your first encounter.

"hey, y/n! good to see you again!"

before you could answer, Draken asked him, "huh? you know her?" Mitsuya nodded his head, and the both of you explained where you first met.

"damn, you met her days ago and still haven't texted her? cold, man." Baji teased as Mitsuya blushed from embarrassment.

"sorry about that." he said to you, but you just shrugged. "it's all good, i figured you were just busy."

after a few more minutes, you all exchanged numbers and you took your leave to hangout with your other friends once again.

the gang watched as you walked away, all of them admiring how kind you were.

soon, Baji spoke up. "she's pretty hot. i hope she joins our group." Draken frowned at this, "is looks all that matters to you?" Baji turned to him, "no, but it's a plus. also if it was all that mattered, i'd be long gone from you guys." he grinned, his fang shaped teeth showing, making the others laugh.

you enjoyed the rest of your lunch with your friends, smiling while thinking about how much you liked all of the boys you've recently come to befriend.

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