Chapter 55

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your heartbeat was drumming in your ears, the engines of Mikey's, Mitsuya's, Draken's, Baji's, and your bikes filling the street as you all sped to Musashi shrine.

around 30 Toman members were tagging behind you guys, with more on the way and coming from different directions.

rain was still pouring down, soaking your Toman jacket and making it hard to drive steadily.

with shaky hands, you gripped onto the motorcycles handles and sped down the road.

the only light was from streetlights and the moon, illuminating the boys' faces with a pale glow.

quickly arriving at the parking lot near Musashi shrine, parking your bikes and rushing to the scene.

members of Valhalla stood around, some smoking as they waited.

most of Toman was now here; all standing behind Mikey as he faced Hanma with his hands shoved in his pockets.

Hanma grinned evilly, snapping his fingers and two other guys pushed their way to the front, holding a scared Takemichy by both arms.

"glad to see you guys made it in time," he said in his signature insane tone, locking his eyes onto you and smirking.

you fidgeted under his gaze, maintaining eye contact with narrower eyes despite the raging anxiety you felt.

Takemichy was pushed onto Toman's side, Hakkai going up to him and making sure he was okay.

looking towards the two, you saw Takemichy nod. he was okay, just shaken up. you let out a breath of relief, turning back to Hanma.

"so, are we doing this or what?" Mikey's voice cut through the rain, the wind carrying it across the parking lot.

Hanma just laughed maniacally, nodding his head and getting close to Mikey's face.

"i wouldn't have it any other way," he stated lowly, making you strain your ears to hear what he was saying.

Mikey stepped back, about to land a kick on Hanma to start the battle. he narrowly dodged it, leaving everyone shocked as no one was ever able to dodge Mikey's kick.

an uproar of yells ensued, with people from either gang charging at each other.

you pushed the feeling of fear down, running with Toman and looking around for an opening to jump in and fight.

a guy from Valhalla ran towards you, and you got into the fighting position you had practiced so many times throughout the weeks leading up to this moment.

he raised his fist in front of him, punching you straight in the stomach. luckily you tightened the muscles in your core, so the blow didn't have much impact.

the boy reeled back, getting ready to strike again. but before he could, you twisted your body, landing a punch under his jaw and making him step back.

he was dazed. you took that as an opportunity to attack again, running up to him and swinging your leg out. it hit him in the side of his head, and you watched as he fell to the ground unconscious.

giving you no time to let what you did sink in, another boy came charging at you with his fist raised.

in a split second you dodged, ducking under his arm and grabbing onto his torso, using his own momentum to push him over.

you fell onto the ground with him below you, cushioning the fall. the boy groaned in pain, but you didn't give him a chance to grasp his surroundings.

sitting up with your legs on each side of the boy, you punched his face repeatedly, seeing blood seep from his nose and a few cuts caused by you.

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