Chapter 3

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     you were walking to school with Akani, Yuka, and Haru, all joking around and taking your time with walking.

as you looked into a passing cafe window, you saw Draken, Mikey and Baji all talking amongst eachother.

Mikey looked out the window and saw you and your friends, motioning for you guys to come in.

"hey guys, wanna come say hi with me? it won't take long." you asked them, and Yuka and Haru agreed.

Akani, on the other hand, shook his head, shoving his hands in his pockets.

"you guys go ahead, i'll wait out here." "..okay," you responded slowly, remembering back to how he was so hesitant around them.

"we'll only be a second!" Haru told him, and the three of you walked into the cafe.

the three boys smiled at you, and you introduced your friends to them.

"hey guys, these are my friends Haru and Yuka." they smiled at the boys, and they returned the favour.

"who's the guy outside? we've seen him with you guys before." Draken asked, nodding his head to Akani, switching his weight from the balls of his feet to his toes.

"oh," you started, chuckling lightly, "that's Akani. he heard some rumour that you guys were gang members and got freaked."

you explained, Yuka and Haru laughing along with you.

Draken, Mikey, and Baji looked at each other, then slowly back to you, their gazes pointed.

your laughter died out, looking back at them confusedly. "it's just a rumour, right?" you asked them.

"uh, it's not." Baji explained, and Mikey finished his sentence.

"i'm actually the leader, and everyone you met the other day including these two are division captains and vice captains."

your smile dropped for a second, before a new grin spread across your face.

"that's sick! i've never been friends with gang member before." they laughed at your reaction, relieved you didn't shy away from them.

the two girls behind you, on the other hand, turned ghostly pale.

"l-lets get going, y/n. we're gonna be late to school." Yuka whispered in your ear, and you heard the discomfort in her voice.

"hey, i'll catch up with you guys later, alright? we gotta get to school." you explained, still smiling lightly.

Baji gave your friends a glare for making you leave, while Draken hit his forearm and shot him a warning look.

he dropped the subject, and you said goodbye to the boys before continuing walking to school.

after some awkward silence, Haru spoke up.

"you shouldn't be friends with them, y/n! they're dangerous."

the other two nodded in agreement, and you just brushed them off.

"relax guys, it's not like they're cold-blooded murderers. they're nice, and you never know, they might become my body guards if i get into trouble." you smirked, and your friends laughed at your mindset, dropping the subject for now.

internally, though, you were slightly freaking out.

'holy crap! i'm friends with gang leaders?! i thought it was just a stupid rumour!' you thought to yourself, wondering if your life would change much with them in it.

you smiled at the thought, though, as you were never one to back down from something.


later that night, after school, your phone buzzed as you picked it up to check who it was from.

seeing the name, you quickly found out a group chat had been made with you, Draken, Mikey, Mitsuya, Smiley, Angry, Baji, and Chifuyu.

you smiled at the screen, happy to be in a group chat with all of them.

da boys🥶 (and y/n)
6:36 p.m

yo u guys wanna hangout soon?

i hate that gc name

shush, everyone else likes it so ur overruled


k so we all gonna hangout soon or what?

keep ur pants on, let's plan it rn

i'm free tmrw, would that work?

yeah i'm free

me too

so are me n angry

works for me

alr so tmrw, y/n?

sounds good

let's meet at the park near y/n's school

who died and made u boss?

but yeah let's do that

everyone liked a message

you smiled at your phone, setting it down and getting some homework out.

tomorrow was friday, so you could stay out a lot later without worrying about a curfew.

finishing an essay that was due tomorrow, that sucked up a few hours and you quickly grew tired.

you cleaned up your desk and got ready for bed, going under the covers and slowly drifted to sleep.

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