Chapter 36

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     the ride to wherever Hanma was taking you dragged on forever; you were now far away from Shibuya district and the roads became unfamiliar.

seconds after you pocketed your phone from texting the group chat, gruff voice yelled from being you on the right.

"yo, she's got her phone out!" at his words Hanma looked back at you, then nodded to the guy who shouted.

he rode up right beside you, roughly grabbing the phone and throwing it in front of him, then riding over it.

"bro, you better pay me back for that." he only glared at you, and you shut your mouth.

panic rose in your chest, seeing the back of Hanmas shirt lift up and the gun glinting in the moonlight; the second you actually saw it, it made the situation so much more real.

'fuck! how do i get out of this?!' you thought to yourself, looking at your surroundings, trying to memorize the way so you could get back to Toman.


Draken, Mikey, Baji, Mitsuya, Chifuyu, Angry, and Smiley all met back up at the Musashi shrine after Draken told them what happened and you sent those texts.

they were all standing on edge, eyes wide and feeling fear strike through them.

"what are we supposed to do?!" Smiley asked, and the others stayed silent in thought for a while.

"i don't think we can do anything right now. i mean, y/n said not to do anything. if they have guns, we can't just use our fists." Mikey responded, warning uncomfortable gazes from everyone else.

they felt helpless; they knew they couldn't find Valhalla, as they were fighting to kill and Toman didn't run that way.

but they couldn't just leave you on your own. Draken felt desperation crawl under his skin, running a hand through his hair in frustration.

suddenly Angry spoke up, gaining everyone's attention.

"do you think we could track her phone? at least then we'll know where she is and how to get to her."

"i don't think anybody here knows how to do that," Baji retorted.

"i might be able to." Chifuyu said in a small voice, pulling out his own phone and attempting to track yours.

"it says it's offline. so, either she turned her phone off fully or they found it."

the boys hearts dropped, knowing how much worse it would be if they found you informing Toman of where you were and what was happening.

they decided on trying to find you, going against your wishes.

hopping on their bikes and splitting up in pairs of two, the boys rode around town then outside of town in hopes to find you.

Hanmas motorcycle came to a slow stop, and you followed suit.

the three boys and you turned off the engines, and the second you stood on the concrete Hanmas goons grabbed either one of your arms so you couldn't try and flee.

they led you into an alleyway, which a back door was seen and the group walked into an abandoned building through the rusted door.

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