Chapter 27

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a few days had passed, and it was your first day back at school after getting suspended.

you and Draken had arrived earlier than usual; you had to check in with the office, and he insisted on coming with you.

entering the school, your eyes immediately caught sight of Haru, Yuka, and Akane standing around each other awkwardly.

'huh, i guess something went down between them. serves them right,' you thought to yourself, slightly smirking.

Haru then saw you out of the corner of her eye, and walked up with the other two following like lost puppies.

"what are you doing here? i thought i told you to leave."

you laughed at her attempt to be intimidating, Draken standing behind you as he glared over your head.

"and i never said i was leaving. it's not my fault you have a problem with me,"

she scoffed and opened her mouth to speak again, but you slightly raised your fist and she flinched away.

you grinned, walking away with Draken chuckling at your side.

"that was mean, y/n."

"i know," you smirked, earning a snicker from him.

after checking in at the office, the bell rang, and Draken walked you to your class before saying goodbye and going to his own.

the second you stepped foot in the classroom, you internally groaned and walked over to your seat, saying hi to a few school acquaintances.

the teacher walked in and everyone quieted down, turning their attention to the front for 6 gruelling hours.


the school day had finally ended, leaving you exhausted and ready to sleep.

as soon as you left the classroom, Baji, Mikey, and Draken we're waiting outside of the door, leaning against the wall.

you said hi and they all looked up, pushing off of the wall and the four of you walked out of the school and to your bikes.

before you started riding you all decided to go somewhere and eat, the group hungry after the school day, and wanting to go somewhere inside as rain had started to fall.

driving down the roads at a fast speed and leaving the boys in your dust, you wanted to find a place to eat before any of them so that they had to agree.

before long, you found a small cafe that sold sandwhiches as well as sweets, so you slowed down and parked outside of it.

the boys came to a stop beside you, turning their engines off and parking as well.

as you hopped off your motorcycle, two familiar faces stopped in front of your group.

"Kazutora," you breathed out, who was standing closely behind Hanma.

he smiled softly at you, and you turned your attention to the other boy who was grinning evilly.

"hello, y/n. i didn't think i'd see you here."

"what are you doing here, Hanma? this is our turf." Baji growled, shooting him an unwelcome glare.

"oh don't worry about me, i'm just stopping by to deliver some news."

everyone stayed quiet, waiting for what Hanma had to say.

"i wanted you all to know that Toman and Valhalla are still enemies. especially me and you, y/n." he singled you out at the end, sending a chill up your spine.

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