Chapter 52

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Hanma was standing exactly in front of you, a malicious glint in his eyes reflecting off of the moonlight.

you tried to move, but a strong pair of hands held you in place from behind.

unable to move, or even utter a single word, you watched in horror as Hanma took steps closer to you, until you could feel his hot breath on your face and his cheap cologne filled your nose.

his lips moved, but no words were heard. you thought you had gone deaf.

and then, as if he broke the sound barriers, Hanmas face contorted into an eerily evil grin, his shouts bouncing around inside your head.

you screwed your eyes shut, but his figure could still be seen through your closed vision.

terrified, you attempted to kick him away.

but, he grabbed your leg, twisting it until a snap reverberated around the room, intense pain forming in your ankle.

you screamed, but nothing came out. all that was seen was your mouth wide open, and all that was heard was Hanma's bone-chilling yelling.

looking around, the rest of your vision was black, the only sight to be looked upon being his all too familiar face.

you woke up with a jolt, sitting up in bed covered in a cold sweat.

panting heavily, you felt something damp on your face and raised a hand, only to find it was your own tears.

looking around the room and gaining your bearings, Hanma was nowhere to be seen. you were alone in the pitch black room.

'it was just a nightmare, there's nothing to be afraid of.' you thought, but his face was still burned into your mind.

slowly getting your breathing under control, you stayed sitting up, unable to shake the nightmare away.

these types of things weren't foreign to you, but whenever it happened it sent you into a spiral or fear.

your heart was still beating fast, but your breathing had slowed and your shaking died down.

not wanting to go back to sleep, you got up and went over to your phone, playing some music to distract your anxiety.

it had been a few days since Mikey declared yet another war against Valhalla, and it warmed your heart when everyone agreed without hesitation to fight them and end things once and for all.

although it was settled and the fight wasn't for another 2 weeks or so, your mind still ran rampant with thoughts of the worst outcomes.

disappointment struck you, as you hadn't had a nightmare for so long before tonight.

Hanmas face was imprinted on your mind, and nothing you did to make yourself feel better had any affect.

the instances of when you were assaulted by both Hanma and Kenji always lingered in the back of your head, never leaving.

you felt utterly helpless.

feeling overwhelmed and angry, you marched down the hall and swung Drakens door open, waking him from his peaceful slumber.

he groaned, but smiled softly when he saw your figure standing near him.

"Kenny, wake up," you whispered, and he opened his eyes fully, grabbing his phone to check the time.

"why," he complained, "it's 2 o'clock in the morning y/n."

"i want you to teach me how to properly fight," you blurted out, and he sat up at your words.

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