Chapter 11

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after the fiasco of meeting Takemichy, you, Draken, and Mikey went to a small cafe to spend part of the day.

"so, didn't think you had it in you to go against that big guy." Mikey started, and you chuckled at his words.

"honestly, i still would've if i was the only one there. but i woulda been scared shitless. i knew with you guys there he couldn't do anything, so i took that as an... opportunity."

the boys laughed at your truthfulness, and before any of you could speak more a few familiar faces entered the building.

your group of three turned your heads, watching as Baji, Chifuyu, and Mitsuya sat down at the same table.

"hey guys!" you greeted, smiling at them all warmly.

they all returned their own polite words, and your group made some small talk.

"so we broke up this fight today that one of Toman's guys was running;" Draken started, explaining the fight club that was happening under their noses.

you tuned out for the most part, looking around the small cafe at the posters and pictures tacked on the walls.

"-and then y/n kicks him in the shin, and she's just so chill with it. then she waved at Takemichy as if nothing happened!" he finished, and the boys all laughed at your behaviour; you slightly giggling.

before you could converse any more, the waiter came over to take your orders.

it was at this moment that you finally realized which cafe you were at, watching as the waiter walked over.

"hi guys! i'm Kenji and i'll be your server today. what can i get ya?" he asked, and you ducked your head at his presence.

you hid behind Draken who was sitting beside you, making it so that Kenji was unable to see your face.

Draken swivelled his head towards you, mouthing words. asking what was wrong.

"hide me!" was all you whispered, and he took the hint and puffed himself up as if to shield you.

Baji looked over to you confused, then back at the waiter, and his eyes widened in realization.

he shot Kenji a glare, and Kenji looked to him before speaking. "hey, i remember you. you came in a few days ago with a girl, right?"

"that's right." Baji answered shortly, and you took this as a chance to announce your presence.

"hey, Kenji, how's it going?" you asked awkwardly, still guilty about not contacting him since he gave you his number.

"oh! hey, it's good, what about you?"

"good good." you replied, and the others sat at the table watched the encounter go down with confusion written on their faces.

"hey, sorry i haven't texted you yet. i've just been, uh, really busy." you said apologetically, and he just nodded his head in understanding.

"no worries! we've all got things going on." he shot you a reassuring smile, and you perked up at that.

once you all ordered and he went behind the front counter, you let a breath out that you didn't know you were holding. 

"the hell was that?" Draken asked, jealousy showing on his features.

"ah, he's the guy that hit on me when i was with Baji." you explained, and Baji nodded.

the air around you all turned awkward, and Mitsuya took it upon himself to flip the mood.

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