Chapter 34

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a week had came and went since you woke up from the coma, and it was now the day that you were getting discharged from the hospital.

bandages still covered your body, as well as the cast on your wrist, but the stitches on your stomach were out and the scar was healing well.

Draken was holding your bag with some personal items while you filled out the discharge form, still sitting on the uncomfortable bed.

soon you completed filling out the form and handed it back to the nurse, and you smiled as she left, you were once again left alone with Draken, who refused to let you carry your own bag.

you and him walked out of the building, with you in regular casual clothes, and you inhaled deeply as the cool breeze hit your face.

summer was coming around the corner, so there was soon to be no need to wear sweaters.

Draken slung his bag over his shoulders before getting on his bike, you following suit.

your bike was still at Mikey's, as he fixed it up there.

the bike engine roared to life and you gripped tightly onto Drakens waist, still somewhat hesitant to be on a motorcycle.

he picked up on your nervous energy, and rode through the streets barely below the speed limit.

the more Draken was driving, the more relaxed you felt and soon your hold loosened on his torso.

before long, you reached the brothel and Draken parked, shutting off the engine and helping you off after he got off himself.

you smiled up at him, heading into the building side by side.

the second the elevator doors opened and you stepped out of the small metal contraption, a loud cheer sounded across the main lobby.

Masawei and most of the girls stood around grinning at you, congratulating you for a speedy recovery.

"welcome back y/n!" they shouted, and your heart swelled at the amount of kindness.

"aw, thank you all so much!" you smiled at them, and Draken admired your happy features.

after you made rounds of greeting everybody and getting your fair share of lectures, you and Draken headed into his room.

"so, how does it feel to be out of the hospital?" he asked, and you beamed at him.

"great! i was getting so sick of that place. i bet you were too," you added, and he just nodded his head.

"yeah, but it was worth it. i wouldn't have been able to just leave you there." a small blush appeared on your cheeks, and you changed the subject in order to make your skin go to its natural colouring.

"so what happened in Toman while i was gone?"

"not much. Hanmas been showing up more and he asked about you, but obviously we didn't say anything." you nodded slowly, worry pricking at your chest as you remembered about Valhalla breaking the peace; mostly due to you.

"i'm.. sorry for what i did to Hanma. i didn't think it would cause trouble for the whole gang." you mumbled, guilt washing over you.

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