Chapter 30

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     the next morning, you had awoken to nurses bursting in the room with disbelief at how quickly you had recovered.

Draken woke up groggily, moving off of the bed and to the side as a nurse took your temperature and another one took some blood for tests.

Draken looked away as the needle entered your vein, his face paling.

you looked at him surprised, and a grin spread across your face.

"oh-ho, Draken, are you scared of needles?"

"what?! no!" he stated indignantly, as you laughed at how he tried to look, then turned fully, his back facing you.

"you're such a big baby, nothings even being done to you." he scoffed and turned his head, his eyes closed.

"doesn't matter! a needle is a needle."

the nurses stifled their laughter, one turning to the other and whispering "ah, young love." you overheard that and blushed madly, making the nurses laugh in amusement.

once they were finished they quickly exited the room, not before congratulating you on waking up.

once it was just you and Draken, you looked over to him and smiled.

"what're you smiling at?" he tilted his head slightly, making your knees feel weak.

"thank you for staying with me this whole time." you spoke softly, and his ears burned.

"h-how did you know i was here so much?"

you chuckled at his flustered state, and began explaining, "i was awake the whole time. it was weird; like i could move any part of me but i was conscious and i could hear everything going on around me."

he nodded slowly, then his face turned a deep shade of red as he clued in that you would've known he kissed your forehead.

as if you could read his mind, you smirked and spoke up again. "and i could feel everything too."

you laughed as he gazed at you sheepishly, before a thought entered your mind.

"...does anyone else know i'm awake?"

"oh, no. i forgot to tell the gang."

you looked around for your phone, not seeing it anywhere in sight. Draken then explained that Baji still had it, and he offered you his phone.

you accepted it gratefully and clicked into his camera app, motioning him to come closer.

Draken leaned in, and you snapped a photo, sending it to the group chat.

The boys🥶 (and y/n)
9:46 a.m

1 image
i'm awake bitchessss

the image was you sitting up in the hospital bed, flashing a peace sign with your tongue out and Draken held onto your shoulders and smiled happily.

the group chat blew up with confused messages, and everyone agreed to visit you right away.

you sighed contentedly and turned the phone off, handing it back to Draken who put it in his pocket.

"well, we've got a bit of time before the guys come over. anything you wanna do?" you asked, growing bored of being confined to bed.

"Mikey left his pack of cards here, wanna play something?"

you nodded in agreement, and he sat at the foot of the bed straight across from you and dealt out the cards.

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