Chapter 4

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it was the last class of the day, and you were yet again sitting at your desk, bored out of your mind.

as the teacher droned on, you doodled on the paper in front of you.

one of your classmates that sat beside you leaned in slightly, making a "psst" noise to get your attention.

you looked up from your drawings, and turned your attention to him.

"i have a challenge for ya. might make this class a little more entertaining." he grinned, making your eyes light up at his words.

"what is it?"

"i bet you can't steal the teachers stapler."

you deadpanned, laughing at the stupid request.

nonetheless, you agreed. as you waited for a good time to walk up to the teacher, you started planning how you were going to pull this off.

as the teacher dismissed the students to work on their assignment, you strode up to the front of the class with your paper in hand.

"excuse me, i have a question about the assignment." you stated innocently, to which the teacher nodded to make you go on.

as you explained your made up predicament, he sat down on his chair and started walking you through the steps of the questions.

behind you, there were a few students snickering, as the person who dared you to steal the stapler informed those around him of what was about to happen.

little did you know, your teacher collected staplers. as weird as it may sound, he found joy in this small thing and brought a different stapler to display on his desk every week.

ever so slowly, you moved your hand from the edge of the desk closer to the stapler.

you looked at the teacher, his eyes still on the paper.

you put your hand on the stapler, and wrapped your fingers around it before bringing it to your waist so only the people behind you could now see it.

laughter was getting louder, as the teacher looked up and silenced them.

"ah, i think i get it now. thanks!" you said, and he smiled warmly at you, happy you were finally showing initiative to get your work done.

"can i go to the bathroom?" you asked, stapler still in hand.

he nodded his head and you made your way out of the classroom; not without sending a smirk to the students who were watching you leave.

just as you exited the classroom, you heard your teachers voice behind you.

"hold on, y/n. what have you got in your hand?"

you slowly turned your head over your shoulder, and, in fear of getting caught, grinned widely at him and booked it through the halls.

he started chasing after you, yelling at you to stop running.

'damn, all this over a stapler?! something's gotta be wrong with that guy.'

the bell signifying the end of the day broke you out of your thoughts, and you ran faster as he was catching up to you.

your teacher followed you out of the school, not giving up to get his 'precious' stapler back.

soon you neared the park, and saw a group of familiar boys standing close together.

the all looked up at once as they heard two pairs of rushed footsteps coming towards them, and shocked looks overcame them as they saw a teacher chasing after you.

Pretty Boy (Draken x reader)Where stories live. Discover now