Chapter 22

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everything was going extremely well.

all of your friends were doing great after the battle with Toman, and your mood had skyrocketed since then; even everything with your mother and Hanma wasn't bothering you at the moment.

you were sitting in your room at the brothel, Draken out to buy snacks for the two of you.

so many thoughts were racing through your head, and you had forgotten why Draken had left.

the main thing on your mind was going out, and having fun.

remembering a number that was saved in your phone, you smiled and texted it.

7:45 p.m
hey, is this Kenji?

you sent the text to the waiter who had hit on you a while back, giggling as he replied back within minutes.

yeah, who's this?

it's y/n

ohhh hey:) how's it going?

it's good!
i was actually wondering, are u by any chance free tn?

i'm just abt to go to a party
but i do need a plus 1 ;)

ohhh i think i'm the right person for that job

awesome, i'll pick u up in 20
y/n liked a message

you got up off of the bed and walked to the bathroom, putting on makeup and brushing through your hair.

exiting the bathroom, you put on a revealing outfit and grabbed your phone, heading out the building to wait for Kenji to arrive.

he drove up in a flashy black car, and you waved to him before running over and entering the passenger seat.

"hey beautiful. you ready to go?"

you blushed at his words, and nodded.

the drive was short, and soon the two of you were walking into a house with people standing in groups outside of it.

the second you stepped through the door, loud upbeat music and chattering filled your ears.

Kenji slinked an arm around your waist, and led you further into the house.

"yo, Kenji, glad you could make it! is this your girl?" a boy with black hair and a beanie asked, as they both looked down at you.

"ah, yeah, something like that." you smiled at him, and Kenji took you into the kitchen to get something to drink, him greeting people the whole way.

countless bottles of alcohol was spread across the kitchen island, and you walked up to the vodka and poured it into a plastic cup.

Kenji grabbed a bottle of beer, connecting with you after the drinks were taken by you and him, mingling with people in the living room.

it was a large house, with light green walls and dated furniture.

you noticed that anywhere you turned you could see a couple making out in a quieter area; there were even some in plain view.

soon, the plastic cup was empty, and your head spun as you had quickly become buzzed.

Kenji laughed at your already intoxicated state, going back to the kitchen to give you a refill.

he got back after a few minutes, and handed you the cup as you quietly thanked him.

the more you drank, the more interesting the night got.

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