Chapter 20

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(a/n: the picture above is sorta what i had in mind for the Toman uniform on y/n, but u can imagine it any other way!)

the days leading up to halloween came and went, and you were now in your room at the brothel getting ready for that afternoon.

you had been sleeping terribly for the past few weeks, with dark bags under your eyes, unable to hide them with concealer.

your wounds had healed since your encounter with Hanma and what you did to your hands; there were no bruises in sight, and the only indication of your fight was a small scar near your eyebrow.

you put your hair in a ponytail and walked out of the room, your Toman jacket in hand while wearing black pants and a white undershirt.

Draken was outside of your door, waiting to leave.

"you ready to go?" he asked, and you nodded your head hesitantly.

he could tell you were nervous, so he slung his arm around your shoulders in an attempt to calm your worries.

you smiled up at him, and he looked down and returned the gesture.

the two of you exited the building and got on Drakens bike, riding through the town.

after a few minutes, more engines of motorcycles sounded near you and you turned your head, spotting Mikey, Mitsuya, Smiley, and Angry riding on their own bikes.

you waved at them and Draken nodded his head in acknowledgment, the six of you heading to the abandoned car lot.

it was a short ride and the boys parked their bikes, entering the lot with the rest of Toman's members.

Takemichy had caught up to your group, and Mitsuya started telling the two of you who everyone was who were to be watching the battle.

soon, the members of Valhalla showed up and your heart felt as if if it would jump out of your chest after laying eyes on Hanma.

he smirked at you, his eyes narrowed.

"so, pretty girl, we meet again." he sneered, and your friends looked at you in confusion.

"how do you know Hanma, y/n?" Smiley asked, and you knew you had to tell the truth.

"he's the guy who came on to me then beat me up."

the boys' eyes widened in shock, all of them turning to Hanma with threatening glares.

"you asshole, i'll kill you!" Draken shouted, and you put a hand on his shoulder.

"Kenny, it's fine. we're here to fight him anyways, he'll get what he deserves." you smiled at him, and he grinned back with malice in his eyes.

Hansen, who Mitsuya had told you about along with his gang, stepped up to oversee the fight and lay out ground rules.

Draken and Kazutora stood facing each other, only half listening to Hansen as the stared at one another.

suddenly Kazutora slugged Hansen straight in the jaw, knocking him unconscious.

"are we here to play house, or fight?!" he asked, and all of Valhalla shouted in agreement.

the battle started shortly after that, punches being thrown all around you.

most of Toman tried to keep their eyes on you and keep you out of harm, because they figured you couldn't hold your ground.

little did they know, you took kickboxing on and off so you knew at least basic self-defence.

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