Chapter 38

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you sat motionless on the curb, unable to force yourself to move.

bike engines sounded in your ears, but you couldn't be bothered to look up. it hardly phased you if it was Valhalla or not.

until, a familiar voice called out your name.

"y/n?" 'Takemichy.' you lifted your head and dragged your eyes to his figure on the back of someone's motorcycle. he looked terrified, and you remembered the blood that covered your body.

"y/n, hey, are you okay? what happened?!" "it's not my blood." was all you choked out, afraid if you spoke more you would start crying.

the boys that were with Takemichy stood in silence, unsure of what happened and they thought you may have killed someone, with the amount of stained blood on your hands and body, with splatters on your face.

Takemichy pulled out his phone, sending a text before walking over to you and sitting down.

a boy with a blue buzz cut, who was freakishly tall, tried to stop him but he sat down nonetheless.

"y/n, can you tell me what happened?"

you took a deep, shaky breath, laughing slightly as you were still in shock from the earlier events.

"Hanma tried to shoot me, and Kazutora took the bullet for me. he's dead now."

Takemichys heart sunk, seeing how deeply it had affected you. he only knew him from when he tried to stab Baji, but from the look on your face he could tell Kazutora wasn't a bad person.

the two of you stayed silent, until the boy with blue hair walked up to Takemichy.

"we should get going, we gotta meet back at the shrine."

you looked up, causing the boy to flinch and stop talking, standing ghostly still.

"what's wrong with him?" "oh, that's Hakkai. he gets weird around girls." you chuckled softly, gazing up at the boy who stood before you.

"nice to meet you, Hakkai." he only nodded his head, his words catching in his throat.

"we should get going, y/n. i told everyone that we found you and we have to meet them at the shrine."

you nodded slowly, rising up, making you wince from the pain in your back caused by lying on the hard tule floor for hours.

three other boys wearing Toman jackets sat on their bikes, and one of them motioned for you to get on his.

you smiled gratefully and hopped on, holding the sides of your seat as the group took off on the way back to the abandoned building, in order to get your bike.

the ride was very short, as you hadn't gone far from the scene; just enough to not be caught by the police.

as the boys' motorcycles sat idling on the side of the road, you walked over to your parked bike and swung your leg over it, turning the engine on and pulling the throttle towards you.

Hakkai led the way back to Musashi shrine, with the rest of you following suit.

you closed your eyes and tilted your head upwards, feeling the cool breeze hit your face and calm your shaky nerves.

focusing all of your energy into riding, you used that as a distraction from the two days that had passed.


the ride to Musashi shrine was long, but as you began recognizing your surroundings a wave of relief washed over you.

as you neared the bottom of the stairs, everyone was standing around in silence, waiting for Takemichys group to arrive.

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