Chapter 40

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     the nap you had was short-lived; yelling from Drakens room awoke you from your dreaming and brought you back into reality.

their yells were followed by laughter, and you assumed someone got mad over the game and threw a fit.

you smiled to yourself, smiling despite of everything that has happened.

throwing the blankets off of you and revealing you to the cold air, you shivered and sat up with your feet hanging off the edge of the bed.

pushing off of the mattress, you rose to your feet and walked over to the door, swinging it open and heading to Drakens room where your friends were.

you watched them for a second, Baji running his hands through his hair frustratedly as Draken, Mitsuya, and Mikey teased him for being a sore loser.

letting a giggle escape your lips, the boys all turned to see your figure in the doorway.

"hey y/n!" Mitsuya greeted warmly, and you smiled in response.

"got room for one more?" you asked, and they all grinned while Draken patted the floor beside him, and you made your way to his side.

"absolutely. we were playing monopoly, but Baji got pissed so i think we're taking a break from that." you laughed, looking to Baji who had his arms crossed while he pouted.

"what other games do you have Draken?" Mikey asked, while he got up and checked in his closet.

"uh, ive got a pack of cards; that's it." you smiled, speaking up.

"we can play something with those, there's lots of games to do with cards." he nodded and pulled the deck out, sitting back down beside you.

as you all agreed on playing a simple card game, Draken starting dealing out the cards.

when he sat down, you realized his knee was lightly touching yours.

you blushed, internally smacking yourself for getting flustered over the smallest thing that was probably unintentional.

picking up the cards laid out for you, you studied them and kept a poker face, not having any tells of wether your hand was good or not.

the boys looked at their own, and you noticed Mikey grinning widely before coughing and concealing his smile under his cards.

you snickered quietly, keeping in mind to not go against him for this round.

Mitsuya played first, and your turn was last, seeing as the plays were going counter clockwise and you were on his left.

as the turns went by, you all became engrossed in the game and you were very focused only on your cards, and the cards being placed by the boys.

soon it was Drakens turn once again and he had a trump card he was waiting to play.

that one card cost you your plan on how to win, making you have to only place down one card as it shot down your chance of winning.

little did the boys know, you got very competitive with games and you spewed innocent insults at them whenever the plays didn't go the way you wanted them to.

Draken stifled his laughter, happy that you were talkative and up for being around them, even if it took his ego down a few pegs with your teasing.

your group of five continued playing, until it was only you and Draken left playing, as Baji forfeited frustration and Mikey and Mitsuya lost.

Draken narrowed his eyes at you, and you copied his mannerism.

"you're going down, Kenny," you spoke lowly, and he just smirked.

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