Part 4

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When Clyde awoke, Craig was gone.  He reached over to his phone to check the time but sighed when he saw he had 5 missed calls and 20 new texts from his girlfriend Bebe. He ignored them and sighed as he removed the blanket he was snuggled up in. He looked down only to see that his socks were covered in blood. 

He removed his socks, wincing because of the glass in his feet. Clyde stared at his bloody feet for a second, and they started to gently remove the glass shards. He started to cry as he wrapped his feet up because the pain was too unbearable for him. 

His sobbing cause Craig to walk in,

"What's wrong, dude?" 

Clyde looked up at the green eyed boy and sighed,

"I just got some glass in my feet last night, that's all." 

Craig nodded towards the messy brown haired boy and changed the subject,

"I cleaned the bathroom and did the laundry, oh, and I replaced your sheets." 

Clyde looked over at his bed set, and to his surprise, it was different! Clyde chuckled,

" You didn't have to do that."

"I wanted to." The dark-haired boy replied quickly.

Clyde grabbed his phone and decided to open Bebe's texts. They read,

Hey, Babe is excited for our date tonight. Where r u at? Babe, our date? Clyde, this isn't funny! Clyde, I'm serious. Where r u? Hello? Clyde? Babe, you promised! I'm waiting! Babe, I've been waiting for 20 minutes!? Where the hell r u at?! Clyde Donavan, I swear if you bailed. I will beat your ass!!! Clyde, please. Fine, I'll just cancel our reservation. I canceled it. I'll have my dad pick me up. My mom picked me up. You know what Clyde fuck you! If you don't wanna break up meet me at starks pond tomorrow at 5:30 pm. 

Clyde sighed and put his phone away. Craig noticed his friends sadness, so he scooched closer to Clyde, 

"You okay dude?"

Clyde nodded,

" I just forgot I had a date last night, and now Bebe might break up with me."

Craig rolled his eyes,

"Just dump her dude if she can't understand when you're busy, then she's not worth it."

Clyde looked at his buddy and yelled out,

"But I wasn't busy that's the point I was with your dumbass, because you were too much of a pussy to go home!" 

Craig stared at his so-called friend in misbelief. He stood up and looked at Clyde with pain filled eyes,

"Well, I guess I'm not wanted here so I should just be leaving." 

Craig gathered his things and slammed the door with a loud, Bang!! And with that Clyde was left with his regret, and a door broken off the hinges. 

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