Part 20

29 1 6

(Trigger Warning: Mild sexual content ahead. If sex makes you uncomfortable, you can skip this chapter.)

Craig POV:

Clyde was a blushing mess as I stared down at him, I didn't feel like myself at the moment, all my blood was rushing to my head, which then rushed to my throbbing cock.

"The second option sounds better, that is if I'd let you undress me, Craig."

I smirked at those words; it was as if he were challenging me. I quickly ripped his shirt off his body, throwing the torn fabric to the floor, before removing his pants. I stared down at him, and shrugged,

"Looks like I undressed you, Clyde."

He stared at me, wide eyes, blushing mess of a face,

"I- You- How- Okay."

I laughed softly, and stared at his body, his neck, his chest, the abs that sat on his abdomen, my eyes fixated on his own rock-hard boner which was throbbing through the fabric of his boxers. I smirked, brushing my fingers against it in a teasing motion, he arched into my touch.

"Fuck. Craig."

I chuckled, 

"What do you want Clyde?"

His eyes fluttered open, they were filled with passion and lust, a blush tinted his face, from ear-to-ear he was red. A blush covered my cheeks slightly as I stared at the man under me.

"I-I want... You."

I smirked, and took off my own shirt, throwing it aside, removing my pajama pants, which landed in the pile on my bedroom floor. Clyde stared up at me, his eyes scanned my body before they lingered on my boner. 

"Hmm... See something you like now don't you Clyde?"

He looked back at my eyes, before looking away. 

"I've never, had sex with a guy before... Does it hurt?"

I stared at him, my heart cracking a little. I shook my head, and pecked his lips,

"I'll make you sure you're as comfortable as possible."

Clyde nodded, which earned him a nod back from me. 

I reached into my nightstand, pulling out lube and a condom. Clyde stared to the side, embarrassed to look in my direction. I grasped his chin, tilting his gaze towards me. 

"Hey, look. We don't have to do this..."

He shook his head, sitting up, 

"No, trust me I want to... I've just never been on the bottom before..."

I chuckled, 

"Then, I will allow you to be on top."

Clyde chuckled softly, and I pulled his legs over my shoulders, removing his boxers, they landed in the pile. 

Clyde gasped as I lubed him up, and stared at him, tearing off my own boxers, and slipping on the condom.

"You sure you want to do this, Clyde?"

He nodded, and I flipped him over, letting him take the lead, and be as comfortable as he possibly could be.

Clyde POV:

My mind was racing, I felt the cold lube touch my body, and I couldn't help but shiver to the feeling. Craig asked if was sure, and all could do was nod, since no words would leave my throat. 

I sat on top of Craig, feeling his jerking boner against my ass. I blushed slightly, placing my hands on his chest, I positioned myself over his cock, feeling it press against my opening. I shivered each time I took an inch of him, until I was to the hilt of his dick. 

The feeling was a new one, though it wasn't an unwelcomed or bad feeling, it felt nice. 

I stared at him, his hands touched my hips, sending electricity spiking through my bones. He looked at me softly.

"You, okay?"

I nodded, adjusting to his size, and the new feeling.  He nodded, his body shuddering as I began slow and steady movements. I adjusted quickly and was very adaptable to any situation. 

Slow and gentle movements, I quickly placed my hand over my mouth, muffling the noises that escaped my throat. Craig smirked at me, he flipped me over, placing my legs on his shoulders. He looked at me, awaiting approval. I nodded.

I screamed out a muffled scream as I felt him pull out all the way, until it was just his tip, then he rammed into me, I was lost in the feeling of him filling me with his cock, though I craved every part of this moment, taking in every feeling I was feeling. 

I was lost in the sounds of flesh-against-flesh and my moans, his groans. I felt like a chick, though I didn't mind, only Craig would see me like this. I felt him hit my prostate. I was filled with the most pleasure I've ever felt in my life. I held back my load, and my hands fell to my sides.

Craig's hands intertwined with mine, letting me know that I was still living, as my body met his hard and rapid movements, he hit that spot again, causing me to scream out, not being able to hold back any longer, I came. 

Craig smirked as he kept thrusting into me,

"Good boy."

I blushed, He finally came down from his high, his orgasm shooting through him as well. He collapsed next to me, removing the condom, he wiped the cum off my chest, and his.

He lifted me up, taking me to the bathroom,

"Let's get you cleaned up, okay?"

I nodded; his touch was soft. 

Trisha POV:

I woke up to the sounds of screams, though they weren't the regular sex screams I heard from mom and dad, they were coming from Craig's room. I knew Clyde was over, and I knew they liked each other, but gross, find somewhere else to go do that stuff. 

I dialed Tweek's number, and he immediately picked up. 


I smiled,

"Hey, Tweekers."

He chuckled on the other end of the phone, 

What's up Trish?

"Craig and Clyde."

I could basically hear Tweek's expression harden on the other end of the phone.

How do you know?

 I looked at the bathroom door,

"I heard them, they aren't too quiet when it comes to those things."

Understood. So, operation extermination is a go? Or is Clyde a good enough person, that he replaces me as a brother to you?

I shook my head on the other side of my phone,

"You know I've always thought of you as my older brother. Just don't kill Craig and we'll be okay. Just know I'm not helping you with this at all. If mom and dad found out, they'd kill me."

Tweek laughed,

It's fine, I don't need any help. I have everything planned out. As far as Thomas and Laura, as well as Roger knows, we're all just hanging out during the summer.

I sighed, and nodded,

"Okay. Good."

I hung up the phone, my arm falling to my side, thoughts swirled around my head. 

I will protect you Craig, if Tweek hurts you in any way, I will destroy him. That's a damn promise. 

I felt my heart shatter in my chest, I saw the way Craig had looked at Clyde, it was the same way he looked at Tweek when they were together. Ah. Shit, what have I done?

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