Part 11

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TW: Hospitals, medical equipment, and cussing (if you aren't comfortable with any of these things, then skip this chapter.)

Clyde ran to the hospital, he didn't even bother tying his shoes, he just kept running and not looking back. When he got into the hospital he ran to the front desk out of breath,

"I need to see him." 

The frantic brown-haired boy gasped,

"Need to see who sir?" 

Clyde looked up at her,

"Craig, Craig Tucker, he came in here because he tried to kill himself, I need to see him, I need to tell him how I feel!"

Clyde screamed, the receptionist lady looked at him confused,

"Okay? he's in room 303, on the third floor, down the hallway, 20th door on the right." 

Clyde sprinted to the elevator and basically threw himself inside. He smashed the button to the third floor and started biting his nails. The old couple in the elevator stared at him with concern, but just left him alone. 

The doors to the second floor opened and the old couple stepped out, and a younger woman stepped in. She clicked the button to go to the 1st floor, as the doors closed Clyde couldn't help but get more and more anxious. He was going through what he was going to say to Craig but kept forgetting because of his creeping anxiety. 

The doors to the third floor opened and Clyde sprinted out and watched the doors to both sides of him go by in a blur, he stopped at Craig's door which read on the door, Craig Tucker in big words. He knocked and heard someone yell him to come in, so he did.

When Clyde walked in, he couldn't believe his eyes. Craig was just lying there, unconscious. Laura looked at Clyde,

"Oh, hi Clyde. He's in a medically induced coma. The doctors said it was for the best."

Clyde stared in shock at his best friend, he ran to his side and grabbed Craig's cold hand. Clyde started crying as he laid his head down on his hands. 

"Craig wake up." 

Clyde started shaking the black-haired boy,

"Get the hell up! You can't die! Not now! Please I need to tell you how I feel! So, Fight!"

Thomas pulled the crying boy back and hugged him tightly. 

"He's just in a coma kid. He'll be fine, he's strong." 

Clyde nodded and grabbed Craig's hand again, he sat there in silence for a bit to get himself under control.

Clyde's POV:

I sat there wondering if I should say something, but all I could do was pray. Pray my best friend would be okay. Pray that the lord would protect him with all his power, and that the lord would lend me some power to tell Craig how I felt. I sat there in silence and then looked up at my sleeping friend. I quietly said still holding his hand.

"Craig, if you can hear me, I want you to know that I'm here. And I'll be waiting for you to wake up.  Craig, I want you to know that I love you, more than a friend.  I've been confused about how I felt but when we shared that kiss, I knew exactly how I felt. I am in love with you, and I have been for a while. I know that's beside the point a ton of people are going to be pissed at you Craig, when everyone finds out what you tried to do, they'll all be here."

I watched how my dad walked in and placed his hands on my shoulders.

"Craig, Roger is here waiting for you. I just I don't really know what to say, I'll be here every day, I don't care if I have a date, or an appointment, or even a game. I want to be here for you, and I will be here for you forever, and when this is all over and you wake up, I'll bring you somewhere nice and I'll get you whatever you want. I'll bring you on a date and I'll spoil you however much you want. All you have to do is promise me, just promise me you'll wake up from this."

3rd Person POV:

Clyde watched how Craig lied on the bed limp, connected to all the breathing tubes and IV'S. He turned around and cried into his dad's warm embrace. Clyde felt a tap on his shoulder, he whipped around only to find Laura holding a letter out to him. He took it, opened it, and read it carefully he started crying at the thought that this was thought of beforehand. 

Clyde stayed in the hospital until the morning time, he got woken up by Roger and basically got dragged out of the hospital so he could go to school. 

When he arrived at school there was a huge announcement about Craig. Clyde sighed because now everyone knew, everyone would visit him, and now they had to go to an assembly about it.  The whole school made their way to the gymnasium.

Clyde sat through the stupid assembly that didn't even talk about Craig, it just talked a ton of bullshit about mental health, and suicide. Clyde sighed as everyone talked about Craig, saying that he was that one gay kid, how he was that kid that beat the crap out of Jason, how he was that weird kid who was always alone. 

Clyde walked into the bathroom and smashed the bathroom mirror; he was the only one who knew Craig. He wanted the day to get over so he could return to the hospital to see his best friend, to see his crush, to see his newly wanted boyfriend. 

He wanted Craig to wake up so he could jump into his arms and give him the biggest hug. There was so much he wanted to tell him, do with him, do to him, it was too much for Clyde to handle, so he went into a stall, and started crying. He prayed that Craig would be okay, and that he would survive so Clyde could kiss his lips once more.

A/N: Hello everyone, I'm sorry for these past chapters, I really am. I hope you're enjoying this book and thank you for your support. I pray that this book will blow up someday, and it will be popular. Not without your support we won't reach that goal, so recommend this book to your friend's if you like it. I would really appreciate it thank you and have a nice day.

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