Part 19

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(Trigger Warning: Moderate Sexual Content ahead, if you are uncomfortable with intense kissing, then you may skip this chapter.)

Clyde's POV:

I walked home and jumped in the shower. When I walked out, I saw the worst thing ever. There was a huge hickey on the side of my neck.

"Oh shit."

That was all I said.

I walked to my step-mom's room and tapped on her arm.

"Juliet, I got a hickey. What do I do?"

She looked at it,

"Put Green concealer on it. There's some in my makeup bag in the bathroom."

I put some on and then went to bed.

Monday, January 21st: 7:25 am

I woke up and got ready for school, I chucked on some ripped jeans, a white shirt, my varsity jacket, and some vans.

I walked out the door and was greeted by an overly excited Craig.

"Hey babe!"

Was all he said before he planted a kiss on my lips.

"Ready to go?"

He nodded, and we walked off to school.

When we arrived around 7:50, we sat on the stairs of the middle school and just talked.

Kenny and Butters walked by holding hands and talking about something, most likely sex.

Craig looked at my neck,

"Hey, the hickey is gone."

I nodded,

"Yeah, my step-mom Juliet told me that green concealer helps with hickeys."

He chuckled and kissed me.

"I love you."

I smiled,

"Yeah, me too."

I frowned, and he opened his mouth to say something, but the bell cut him off.


The last bell of the day rang, and we were dismissed from class. I stood by the stairs waiting for Craig.

I waited and waited and waited and waited, but he didn't show up.

I pulled out my phone and texted him.

Clyde: Hey dude, where u at?

I waited for the reply,

Craig: Srry got detention can't talk. Mackey will get pissed.

I walked out of the school and walked home.

When I arrived home, I saw my dad and Juliet watching a sad movie, so I walked up to my room, set down my stuff, and left.

I walked next door and let myself into Craig's house. His mom smiled,

"Craig has detention, Clyde, so he won't be home for a bit."

I smiled,

"Thanks, Laura. I know."

She smiled, and I walked to Craig's room. I sat down on his bed and waited for Craig to get home.

Craig POV:

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