Part 18

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Clyde's POV

"Omg, now that we're getting back together, I can tell all the girls about it, and not to worry anymore. Omg now I don't have to date Eric Cartman. Nobody wants to date him. And ooo now that we're back together you can bring me to the mall, and I can get some new shoes, oh and I definitely need a new dress, ooo and I saw this cute hairclip so I want that too, and-"

"Holy shit Bebe can you shut the fuck up!!!"

She stared at me,


"We aren't getting back together, and I'm not buying you anything, when I kissed you it felt wrong, I am in love with Craig, and you can't ever change my feelings for him."

With that I ran as fast as I could to apologize to Craig.

When I arrived at his house, I almost knocked the door off its hinges. I was hoping his mom would answer, but the person who opened the door was none other than Craig Tucker himself.

I froze, and he was just staring at me, so all I said was


He blinked and replied back with


We continued to stare at each other for a good 3 minutes before he invited me in.

I walked in, we walked to his room, and I stared at the wall.

"Okay, umm... I'm sorry for running off ok you. I just thought that I still liked Bebe, but when we kissed, it felt... wrong. I'm really sorry, dude."

Is all I could think of saying.

Angel Clyde: Yay, we chose the right thing!

Devil Clyde: Ugh whatever, you won like always.

Angel Clyde: teehee always do.

I blinked out of space, and kissed Craig on the lips. He backed up and stared at me.


Was all he said.

Craig's POV:

Clyde apologized for kissing Bebe, said it didn't feel right. Then continued to ignore me and stare off into space.

"Dude, I mean I was crushed when I saw you two kiss, but hey I mean if you're ready to be committed as boyfriends I'm down with that."

No answer.

Thought so.

Clyde blinked a couple of times then all of the sudden ran up and kissed me passionately on the lips.


Was all I could think of saying. I backed up a bit and stared forward.

Tweek was thinking about a having a little meet-up with you and Clyde....
Of course that 4 months from now.

"Oh yeah Tweek was thinking about having a meet-up, and mom says it's in 4 months."

Clyde looked at me,

"Oh cool."

I smiled, and couldn't help but let my thoughts drift to Tweek, his smile, his laugh, his cute sleepy voice, his messy hair, the way he blushed when I complimented him. Every little thing I loved about him.

But now all I can think of is Clyde. His giggle, the freckle he has in his eye, the birthmark on his left arm, his soft hair, his adorable smile, his deep yet high-pitched voice. Everything I love about him I'm looking at right now.

He giggled at me,

"See something you like Craig?"

I smirked,

"Yeah, I'm admiring the masterpiece in front of my eyes right now."

And with that he blushed, his whole face turned beet red.

I chuckled,

"What's wrong sweetie can't take a compliment?"

He walked up to me and kissed me,

"I can, but I know for a fact you can't take have this beautiful masterpiece."

I smirked,

"Wanna bet on that?"

I smirked back,

"You're on."

I smashed our lips together, and kissed the boy I loved passionately and deeply.

We only stopped to gasp for breaths, and it went on for a but until I picked him up and placed him down on my bed.

He pushed me away,

"Does this thing Creak?"

I smirked,

"You'll have to wait and see hunny."

He smiled and kissed me deeply once again, our make-out session continued for about 3 minutes. Before I gave him a hickey

And before I knew what I was doing I slipped my hand under his shirt.

He pushed me away,

"We've got school tomorrow, and my dad will be worried if I'm not home soon."

I got off of him and sat against the wall,

"Alright I guess I'll see you tomorrow."

He nodded,

"Yeah bye."

He kissed me and left.

All I could think of doing was touching my lips,

I gave him a hickey. Shit.

I hope nobody sees anything tomorrow.

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